Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Not Interesting

Our generation has this fascination with other people's lives. There are some people we just love, whether it be on YouTube, tumblr, twitter, whatever.
But not everyone likes everyone else.
I was just thinking. Everyone wants to know about everyone else, and in that same fashion, we want everyone to know about us. Perhaps not everything, sure, but a lot more person shiz than what we should put out there. I feel like I want to put myself out there, but I don't know how. I mean, I write songs and put them on youtube, I write blogs on here once and a great while, and I have a twitter. But really, the only place online that I feel comfortable sharing my true self with people is my tumblr. That's one reason why I don't have it linked anywhere online, at least not intentionally or directly.
Perhaps I don't want people to find me. Maybe I just want to seek out those whom I find particularly interesting. I don't know.

I don't even know why I write on here anymore. I don't like to. I might delete it. Probably.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "The Con" cover by Samantha Gill ( and Gabby Morales (

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The End of An Era

OMFG YOU GUYS. HARRY POTTER IS ALMOST OVER. I mean, technically, it wont be done and over completely until July, but still. STILL.

Unfortunately, I wont be seeing a midnight premier of the new film which is coming out just hours from now. See, living in a small town that has the most ridiculous of theatres, I went to get my tickets and was told that "they had sold out a while ago". Wh-wait, what? A while ago? What, like, two hours ago? A week? Three days? I didn't ask, but rather just stood there feeling horrible about the fact that I wasn't going to be seeing the movie I had been waiting a year and a half for the second it came out.

Granted, I could have bought my tickets earlier than Monday. Oh, but wait, I couldn't have. See, I have this thing called a job, and I had no money except for literally the change that I have been saving from tips and such. I then I got paid today, BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW. Ugh.

I might have a chance to get a ticket for tomorrow. If I go by myself. Which I wouldn't mind doing if I didn't have to stand in line and look like a total loser wearing my Gryffindor shirt alone.

But it will all work out, I'm sure.

Until next time, later days.

And, for something to get you started if you're not a wizard rocker, some of my favorites:
Songs of the Day
"Believe" by How Airplanes Fly
"Draco and Harry" by The Whomping Willows
"A House Grown With Ivy" by Let's Lumos
"Seven Potters" by The Remus Lupins
"Good To See You Wallenby" by KwikSpell

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Idea of Living

Tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo and I'm freaking out a little bit internally. Wait. Back up; those two ideas have nothing to do with each other. It is true, it starts tomorrow, but that's not why I'm freaking out internally. I'm freaking out because I have a paper due on Charlotte Perkins Gilman tomorrow at 9 am and I haven't even read everything for it.

OH, by the way, I'm thinking of leaving school after this next spring semester. I'm not giving up, I'm just postponing my education for, let's say, three years or so. In fact, I wrote a post on this the other day over on tumblr, but I'll copy and paste it here for you to read:

School is beatin’ me down, you guys.

I’m not doing well, in other words. I am currently passing 3 of my 6 classes, as far as I know, and I simply have very little motivation to continue onward. I know, I know. “OMG it’s one semester, get over it”. No. It’s school in general. Life, really. This little conservative town that I live in and all the expectations people have of me (or in some cases, lack thereof). I want to teach eventually, this is true, and yes, I have to go to college and such in order to do this. But at the same time…I want to live my life more right now.

One of my roommates is a lot like me, in the sense that we both want to see the world, travel a lot, and basically live life to the fullest. Plus, she has amazing taste in music and movies. Anyway, she’s going to stop going to school next semester because she honestly doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life, and I think she just wants to stop and figure it out…meanwhile, she’ll be saving up to travel the world.

This is an intriguing idea. The only thing that has previously stopped me from dropping out* of school is the fact that I would have to start paying my loans back, but I’m really not sure why I’m so afraid of that. I have the time, I’m capable, and I can do it. The thought of not going to school, of just working and saving up money to move to somewhere I’ve always wanted to go to is so tempting.

Another thing is that I’m very close to acquiring just my Associates degree, which isn’t much these days it seems, but it’s better to have that than nothing, especially if I end up needing another job at some point, right?

I mean…I could be looking at this the completely wrong way. I could be throwing away my future. But I really don’t see it as that; truthfully, I want to put my future on hold and focus on the present day.

As human beings, we are bound to make mistakes and bad choices, but we are also able to take those experiences and learn from them. I feel as though I haven’t learned anything from my life in at least two years. I’m doing it all by the book, but I don’t want to be. I want to go to all the places I have never been before, and I want to live my life and make mistakes. I want to do something stupid and make new friends and write postcards home from wherever I happen to be at the time. I want to live in the NOW. Not the in-five-years-from-now.

I’m pretty sure that this next spring semester is going to be the last one for me for a couple of years. I don’t want a plan to live by, I want a life to live.

So. There’s that.

*I hate that the idea of dropping out has such a negative connotation attached to it. I know it’s stupid, but people really do look at you differently when you tell them you’re going to stop going to school.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Suggest You Smile

One of the greatest feelings a person can feel, in the personal opinion, is happiness. Now, happiness can have an exponential amount of components adding to the awesome, so to speak, like friendship, love, music, etc. But the thing that always sneaks up on me are other people. Not literally sneak up on me, but as in the ways I see people act on a day to day basis, generally within viewing distance, not to sound creepy. I people watch. We all do it. Like facebook stalking.
But I digress.
Today I was walking from the library down to the Hazy building so I could finish my design homework (which is where I am now, and am I doing my homework? No. I'm writing this), and it's about 1/3 of a mile or so, and I passed a lot of people. Not only was I stoked to grab a copy of The Sacred Wood essays by T. S. Elliot, but I had just come from the library, which is one off my favorite places to be now, apparently. The feeling of being around so much knowledge is just...overwhelming. And mesmerizing. Anyway, I was watching people as I walked, and saw a lot of blank faces, but I also saw some smiles, which cheered me up, and in turn made me smile.
Generally, people feel that smiling without a reason to smile feels a little awkward, but I love the feeling. If I pass a person on the sidewalk that sees me smiling for no reason, perhaps it will make their day a little bit just as mine has been made by someone else.

So today...I suggest that you smile.

...and listen to music.
Song of the Day: "Open" by Delay.

Later days.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I'm moving out of my parents home in two weeks to go and live with some friends on the other side of town. It's not so much that I don't like living with my family, because I [kind of] do for the most part, but I want to be on my own. Pay my own rent, buy my own food, etc. Now that I'm at a point where I have a job that supports me well enough to do that...I'm doing it.
Luckily, my parents just got a new (used) car, so they're letting me have the Jimmy as my own. But, knowing my luck, that car will probably break before the end of next year. It's all good for now, though.

I just started doing this thing where I write down things in my notebook during the day of things that I observe in classes and about people. I'm calling it 'research' for NaNoWriMo, justifying the idea of people watching to myself. Though, practically everyone does it, so I'm not sure why I find it weird.
Anyway, I thought I'd share that.
I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep building off the same story I was writing last year or start all over with a new one. I'll let you know, and probably share some of it with the interwebs.

I'm tired.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "The Con" by Tegan and Sara

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Believe in Human Beings

I have noticed recently that I am constantly having to remind myself that we are all human beings.
It's hard to live, we all know this. Going through life is no easy task and there are always tough things that we go through, things that happen to each of us that are constantly changing us, making us a little bit different, whether it be for the better or worse.
The only jobs that I've had so far in the last 4 years are in the food service business, generally having to do with customer service, therefore, interaction with people. Now, I love people. I love people with practically every fiber of my being, or something ridiculous like that. It truly is ridiculous, though. I enjoy the presence of others in my everyday life and I love to socialized and see others socialize, and know that we ar e all somehow supporting each other's happiness by simply being.
I also know that every single human being on this earth has flaws. As in multiple. No single person is perfect in this world, at least not yet (interpret that however you want). Personally, I love flaws. Flaws make us who we are, and they make it so much more interesting for us to interact with each other. Flaws lead to mistakes, which I also love. It took me several years to come to the conclusion that I do not have one single regret in my life. In fact, I am truly grateful for the mistakes I've made in the past. I love that we, as humans, can even make mistakes, let alone realize that it's okay to make them. We are a learning and reasoning species, but we are also impulsive. Our impulses and instances of being slightly off at times make us human beings, and I love it.

When interacting with people at work and in the world and such, I get irritated, and, on rare occasion, angry. The thing that tends to help me reason with myself and justify why people are as such is to remind myself of just that: people are all different and they are people. Simply people.
There may be sociological and psychological reasoning behind why people are the way they are, but I choose to accept that people just are. They are. I am. We are. And you? Just simply be.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


When I'm at work - and otherwise, I suppose - I tend to do a lot of tedious and repetitive tasks, such as cutting heads of lettuce and buttering loaves of French bread. My point is, the only thing that I have on hand to entertain myself are my thoughts.
I am constantly day dreaming. The thing is, though, that my day dreams are all made up of stories, like written stories that I think up in my head. They're generally just short little things with no conclusion, perhaps not even a middle, but there are so much stories that I have begun and never finished. It's quite unfortunate that I forget them the moment I stop thinking about them. It would be nice if us human beings were able to literally file things away into our brains for use at later dates.

I was thinking about novels the other day, and how mind blowing some of them are to me. Obviously (maybe), Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia are at the top of said mind-blowing-list-of-stories, but there is one other that came to mind as well that isn't quite as popular.

Probably some of my favorite novels, simply because they take me so far from reality, are from The Keys to the Kingdom series. Now, you can find these books in the kids section of Barnes and Noble, and while it is about a young man named Arther and concerns a few other children as characters, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 13. Main reason being: it's extremely complicated. Every time I read the first book in the series, Mister Monday, I learn something new that I didn't see before. There are so many bits and pieces that go into this story it's incredible. I've never read books like it besides Harry Potter. Even then, the story is one of a kind. I really hope someone makes movies for them because I would love to see a visual interpretation of the imagery used by Garth Nix and his world.

I'm just going to end here and go read now.
Later days.

Band of the Day: Broken Social Scene

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Place Where He Was Born and Raised

My day was weird. Not in the sense that there were weird events that took place, but it just feels weird in retrospect.

I went to work at 7. School at 10:30.

Today was pay day, so, naturally, I went to the mall and bought two shirts, a hat, and a beanie. Whilst meandering the racks of hats at Zumiez (or whatever the hell it is), the girl that worked there started up conversation, and just straight up skipped the small talk, which was nice. We found out that we're actually both English majors but have never seen each other before. she's only got a semester to go, but still. It was nice to meet someone that I actually have something in common with. We also talked about Kate Chopin and how my Women's Lit. teacher is good, but hard (that's [kind of] what she said).


I haven't read the Chopin novel that I was supposed to read this week yet. It's just so...BORING.

In other news, I rode my bike about a mile [somewhat] uphill to my powder puff football practice today and just about died because I'm so out of shape. But I'm workin'

on it! I'm starting to walk to school at least 3 times a week and riding my bike once and a while too. ALSO, eating better. Which I'm doing. Which leads me to my next topic: Passion tea. So good. That is all.

Now I'm exhausted and trying to decide whether or not to read some sparknotes on The Awakening tonight. Probably not.

Oh, and I cut my hair.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow" by The Soggy Bottom Boys, from the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack

Monday, September 20, 2010

Excessive Use of ALL CAPS

Oh, dear goodness, I have not written anything for a good while.

Basically, my life at the moment consists of work and school and trying to do my homework but not actually doing it, but somehow still getting it done right before class starts. It's a complicated process; takes years to learn, decades to perfect.
Anyway, I never wanted to be one of those people who's life seems completely out of control and busy, but that's definitely me at the moment. Perhaps not totally out of control, but it's intense. I haven't had much time to do music stuff lately, which is a bummer since I'm planning on releasing a demp EP album for Foundation of Fair Fortune in November for Wrockstock. I'm expecting that things will just work out for the best and I'll get it done on time, but who knows.

Let's break things down a little:
School consists of me taking too many credits: History, Women's Lit, Grammar, Comm. Design, Intermediate Ceramics, and Human Development. TOO MANY I TELL YOU. Next semester this will not be happening.
I have a lot of reading to do that I often don't get done on time to talk about it in class. But I try to get it done after, all the same. Also, I have two library books that are like, a week past due. Just remembered. Bugger.

Work happens every day. Some nights I serve, some nights I cook, and at least twice a week I work in the morning before classes. Which sucks considering how hard it is for me to wake up in general, let alone in the morning before 7 am.

During my free time, if I get any, I listen to music, which has lately been a lot of The Midnight Beast and Mumford & Sons. And the new Ingrid Michaelson single. I also read. Slowly but surely. (I swear, I've never met anyone who reads slower than I do)

Plans for the future??
Northern Utah next weekend. So excited. I'll be seeing people that I haven't seen for over a year. And possibly playing a little acoustic set for some friends at a party on Saturday. Good times.

BTW, I turned 20 last week. nbd. Seriously, not a big deal. At all. I thought there would be some sort of psychological thing that would happen, and I'd freak out because I'm not a teenager anymore (because I'm constantly nostalgic for my high school days and don't like change that has some sort of significance like turning 20). BUT NOTHING HAPPENED. Not yet anyway.

Okay I'm done.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Booty Call" by The Midnight Beast (it's now available on itunes worldwideeeee)

I'm moving out of my parent's house (Again. I've already done this for my freshman year of college but then I came back.) in about 3 weeks. I'm staying in the same town, but about 5 miles or so north of where I am now. ALSO, I know pretty much all the words to at least 4 of The Midnight Beast's songs. In case you were wondering. Also, AGAIN, I got a new tattoo. It says "I go to seek a Great Perhaps" in a type writer-esque typeface. I love it. My mom...not so much.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I was afraid I'd eat your brains

I feel like if we all listened to The National and Mumford & Sons the world would be a better place.

Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, I had a good birthday. Better than I anticipated.
In other news, I'm still irritated at the fact that Paramore and Tegan and Sara aren't playing anywhere near Utah on their tour right now.

Basically, since I last wrote, nothing's changed. I'll let you know when something does.

Later days.

Song of the day: "Conversation 16" by The National

Monday, September 6, 2010

Movies and Emotions

I just watched Mysterious Skin. I just...I..hmm. I can't even begin to explain what I'm feeling right now. It's like whenever I watch Boys Don't Cry or The Virgin Suicides. I just feel...empty. Not sad, necessarily, but nothing good comes from it, either. It's just a feeling different than what I'm used to. I'm not sure what it is or how to describe it.

For those of you without any morals when it comes to watching movies, like myself, I very much recommend all of the movies I've mentioned. But if you do not fit into that category, I don't recommend them. They're for people who can sit down and watch a film and be fine with whatever happens next. They are very real movies. Very real. Not the real that we all strive to live with in our everyday lives, but the real that those less fortunate than us encounter throughout theirs. The fact that actors can retell the stories of these people and these things that actually happen amazes me.

Back to Mysterious Skin. Now, I know pretty much every person (obviously there are exceptions, but roll with me here) loves Joseph Gorden-Levitt. And I'll be honest: that's why I added this movie to my Netflix queue. BUT I loved Brady Corbet's bit in this movie. Now, I first saw Corbet in Funny Games when I watched that last year, which is just another one of those movies that screws with your emotions, but in a different way than Mysterious Skin. But that is another blog post. Anyway, just seeing the ways that their two characters worked in this movie was incredible. I would elaborate, but I don't really want to get into the plot and such.

For some reason I feel inspired. To do what, I'm not exactly certain of, but something. I just want to create something that can evoke as much emotion in others as some films can do to me. That's always been a goal of mine: to make people feel. It sounds a little odd, but it's something I want to accomplish at some point in my life. Whether it be with words, written or vocal, with music, with art, with anything. I just want to make people feel what I feel right this second, so that they can at least know what the hell I'm talking about.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "White Blank Page" by Mumford and Sons

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tales of a Restaurant Server: Part One

My first ever job was expediting pizzas and busing tables at Chuck E. Cheese's. I eventually moved up on the food chain to host birthday parties for loud children and their sometimes rude parents, and everyone's favorite (though not really), dressing up in the Chuck E. costume and walking around as a giant gray mouse with really awesome shoes. I ended up in the kitchen doing food prep and cooking, which is the area I've worked in ever since.
Until now.

And...I like it. I like going back to serving and being around people and smiling and taking food orders and refilling drinks. That's weird, right? Yeah, probably.

Anyway, tonight was my 4th night training this week, and I got to take some orders and such, and, lucky me, all of the tables whose orders I took were from some other country. I think France, but I can't be totally sure.
See, the thing about the restaurant where I work at now is that we're right next to a hotel, and St. George is actually quite the tourist town since it's right next to Zion National Park and 2 hours from Bryce Canyon. We get a lot of people from out of town, and often out of country. Which I have absolutely no problem with...except that they can barely understand me and I can barely work out what they try to say to me in their guidebook-English-speak.

All in all, it was an interesting night.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Turnpike Ghost" by Steel Train. Also, Steel Train's latest album is on sale for 3.99 on right now, which is insane, because it's probably one of my favorite albums of the year, besides The National's High Violet. And for the record, I like the Tegan & Sara cover of that song about as much as I like Sara's bowl cut. So, not a whole lot.
And just in case you were wondering, "Touch Me Bad" is my favorite song right now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today. [Plus Some]

Today, I woke up, went to work, school, home, school, bank, WalMart, Barnes and Noble, school, home, work.

Everything was non-stop. Whenever I sat down to rest, I remembered I had something else to do. I just had a lot of business to take care of, a lot of errands to run, a lot of work to do.

I'm still waiting for my financial aid money. I need to go back to the F.A. office yet again in the morning in order to figure out what's wrong; I've done everything that I was told to do, so where's my money?

Ugh. I'm incredibly tired.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem ft. Rihanna. Such a great song, and a pretty good video to go with it. I can't...stop...listening.

I've decided that what I've written previously is not satisfactory. Therefore...more.
Lately I've written about 3 or 4 songs for RTC (Reorganized Trench Coats), and I love them. Unfortunately, I'm not getting a Mac anytime soon, so my hopes of recording with Logic Pro and adding drums and a string orchestra to my music will have to wait until I can start saving for the appropriate materials. So, after Wrockstock.
I'm in the middle of the last season of Bones. I'm still completely in love with it, so that's good. Also, I got all caught up on True Blood, with the exception of the last episode. I need to figure out how to watch Weeds now..

I got to see Erin today for about 5 minutes. She stopped by my work on her way up to BYU. I was glad to see her for even just those few minutes. It's tough to live so far away from my best friends, even if some of them now live in the same state as I do. There's still about 4-6 hours between us, depending on whether we're talking about BYU, The U, Weber State or Utah State.

Speaking of BYU and The's football season again you guys. I don't really watch sports on TV unless it's the World Cup or the Olympics, but I will watch Utah's football games. I'd love to go to another one sometime, it's been 2 years now since I was there last. One year since I was up in Ogden last...hopefully I can pull off a visit in October sometime. I miss that town.

Sometimes I feel grateful that I have ADD. I mean, yeah, I definitely hate it most of the time. It's frustrating beyond anything I can think of. Think. That's the idea, isn't it? I think so much it's incredible. So much. If I had to describe what ADD was like in my mind, I would say that I have so many thoughts going through my head all at once that it's hard to focus on just one thing at a time.
I forget what I'm saying while in the middle of sentences on a daily basis. I tell myself that I have to make a list of things to do because I'll forget to do them...and then I forget to make that list. I can't fall asleep easily/early because my brain is so darn busy doing stuff, even when I'm tired, like now.
When I was a sophomore, my English/History teach told me to write down everything I was thinking in order to sort out my frustrations and gather my thoughts, so to speak. I told her it would be hard, but I'd try.

This entire blog is a product of me writing everything that I'm thinking to the best of my ability.
That's the basis for me doing all of this in the first place. I don't care if you read it or not. I probably wont even ever read it again, I just need to be able to let my mind wander free as best as it can.
Whatever that means.

Now I'm done.

Ha. Okay, song of the day for Wednesday: "ADD S.U.V." by Uffie ft. Pharrell Williams. Also, "Pop the Glock" is probably one of my favorite songs, just so you knoww.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rage, Rage

Today, I got overly excited about villanelles, mainly because I first got overly excited about Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night", which is probably one of my favorite poems. Anyway, the whole reason I even looked the poem up is because that main line, do not go gentle into that good night, popped into my mind for some reason or another, and I had remembered reading it Captain's class*, so I Googled that line to look up the rest of the poem.
Now, if you're keeping up with my life** via twitter and/or tumblr, you would [possibly] know that I'm restoring an electric guitar. I've been trying to decide what I want the body of it to look like, so just today I choose to go ahead and put some text on it. It's going to be dark green with all the metal pieces gold plated (tuners, tremolo, tremolo bar, volume and tone knobs, etc.) and hopefully I can eventually get some gold lipstick pick ups, but they're expensive, so they might have to wait. Anyway, it'll be green, gold, with a tortoise shell color pickguard, and over the green paint on the body, I'll put text in gold. Most likely the last two lines of the poem:
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
In other news that's slightly related, I wrote a song concerning this poem and tumblr earlier today. Hopefully I can eventually get it recorded for you guys.

And I think...that's all.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "In The Past I Was An Astronaut" by Yellow Ostrich
Film of the Day: Clueless (1995). I've never seen it and am about to watch

PS - Weeds started it's 6th season today. I can't watch it, personally, because I don't have Showtime, but if you do...check it out.

*Captain is what everybody called the senior AP English teacher. She's pretty awesome.
**I wouldn't be if it weren't my life, so no worries.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Words Seem Meaningless

I'm writing a new song right now, but I have no idea what the lyrics mean.
This tends to happen often; I simply write the lyrics because they sound good. That's it. No secret tricks to my lyrics. In fact, they're kind of bizarre most of the time because they make no sense.
After writing them, I like to try and find mean behind them, like perhaps create some sort of analogy to my own life if at all possible. But it's usually quite a reach when I do it.

I'm thinking about writing some country songs for a change.

Except not really.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School Is Near, Thank Goodness.

I've been trying to branch out with my reading. I typically don't read anything but young adult fiction, and I've yet to find many books outside of that genre to convince me otherwise. I enjoyed Rum Diaries by Hunter S. Thomson, but other than that...nothing. So if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, I'd really like to read about more than just angsty teens for the rest of my life*.

I've been patiently waiting for school to start and it's just about here. Two more weeks. I'm quite excited to start learning again, along with procrastinating and not doing my homework.
...I'm not really sure how I got straight A's last semester.

I've decided to spend those two weeks making things, which is what I should have been doing this entire Summer, really, but have only dedicated a fraction of my time to doing. I've come up with another idea for a 7 piece art project**, I need to come up with a new design for some Foundation of Fair Fortune shirts and make the screens for those, and I'm slowly (but surely) restoring an electric guitar. Also, I started out 2010 in hopes of finishing 40 books that I've never read before, but I'm afraid to say that I'm still only at 15. I need recommedations!! It's kind of odd, but I don't like choosing books to read for myself for this sort of thing. Just one of those things. Though I'm not sure what those things are.

But I digress.

And I think I'm done.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Dream Catcher" by Unicorn Kid

*Though I really do love it for some reason.
**I did a 5 piece project I called "BElieve" for my drawing final last Spring that involved graffiti. This new one does not.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

John Green and The Little Things

My cousin read Paper Towns last week and told me today that it’s the best book he’s ever read. He also said that it was the first book that ever made him laugh out loud.

I gave him Looking For Alaska to read on his drive back home to California tonight, and he was already 40 pages into by the time he left my house, so excited to read another John Green book.

It’s the little things in life like this that make me so incredibly happy.

On a side note, all of my John Green books are currently not in my possession, which is annoying because I had just started re-reading LFA. Now I have to go buy more. Again.

Song of the Day: "Give Chase" by Tegan and Sara. It's actually an unreleased track that you can only hear live versions of, but it's still pretty brilliant.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thoughts From Today That May Or May Not Be Interesting And/Or Relevant

  • I stood on the edge of a cliff that was about 2000 ft. tall
  • Germans like to go to Zion
  • Lightning ruins everything
  • Always check for cactus before climbing up a rock
  • It's best to not let squirrels guard your back pack
  • My brother talks too much, not that I didn't know that already, it was just emphasized today
  • Watching The Lion King at least once a year should be mandatory
  • People are so awkward
  • I want to move back up to Ogden and go to Weber, but I feel like something inside of me is scared to do so for some reason
  • I LOVE taking things apart and looking at their insides, and by things I mean electric guitars
  • Nature is so incredibly beautiful it's ridiculous
  • I think I want to move to Nashville/Franklin, Tennessee after college if I can get a teaching job there and I haven't gone to Canada yet
  • My other choice would be Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Beavers do not climb trees and flamingos can, in fact, fly
Today was a great day.
Later days.

Song of the day: "With Arms Outstretched" by Rilo Kiley
Film of the Day: The Sword In the Stone

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm Too Young, They're Too Old

I was thinking about doing BEDA again this month after having done it throughout the month of April, but then I remembered I'm taking 19 credits this semester, which starts in the middle of the middle of the month. I felt like I shouldn't try and commit to it.

Anyway, my week has been...interesting. On Sunday, I literally just stayed in my pajamas all day watching Bones and playing guitar. I worked Monday morning, but I ended up never sleeping Sunday night, so just went to work at 6 am extremely exhausted. After work, I got one hour of sleep, watched some more Bones, then went back to work for 4 more hours at 5 pm.
I ended up falling asleep that night at 11, which I don't think I've done for literally years.
On Tuesday, my brother, Andrew, and and my cousin, Karina, and I went to see Karate Kid, which impressed me, to say the least, though the original will always have a special place in heart. We also painted birdhouses and discussed primary colors and shading techniques. Well. I discussed. They kind of listened and asked me art questions, which was fun for me, regardless.

I haven't written a now song for a while, but I think I'm going to try and sit for a bit tomorrow after work and figure out a new tune of some sort. I'm not sure if I want to do wrock or regular...maybe both.

I'm tired. I work again tomorrow. Well, in 3 hours, actually. I should probably attempt to get some sleep, right?

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Hard To Explain" by The Strokes

PS - I'm doing a Blogtv show on Thursday night! I'll play some songs, talk to friends, just kind of chill. Should be fun. Follow my twitter for updates if you feel the need.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tales of a Restaurant Kitchen Worker: Part Two

It's a dangerous world out there. I didn't know how dangerous until I started working with industrial size Hobart mixers. Sure, I love me a good KitchenAid stand up mixer, they come in handy with practically every baking recipe, but believe it or not folks, size does indeed matter.
Okay, so I didn't exactly have a bad run in battle with a giant bread dough mixing machine, but I got a bruise on my knee and a few good scratches on my hands. I work in the bakery department of a state-wide franchise pizza place, which means I basically make everything except the bread and pizza dough. Cookies, crab, jell-o, and pasta salads, a variety of calzone fillings, two kinds of pies, chocolate mousse, apple crisps, etc. All from scratch. I actually very much enjoy my job, because I like cooking, and for some reason I'm a fan of continuous cycles of activity, i.e. doing a small task over and over and over for a good half hour or so. Like portioning 8 ounces of an Italian calzone filling into a small plastic bag...25 times. I find enjoyment in the little things in life. There's generally a logical reason for the enjoyment, but sometimes I just simply like the repetition.

Anyway, I was cleaning the smaller of the two giant mixers the other morning after making a raspberry jell-o salad, and whilst wiping the machine free of pink splatters, the metal gate/splatter shield fell off the machine and onto my leg. Perhaps I should let you know i was kneeling on the ground, or else the previous statement doesn't make any sense.
I ended up with a lovely welt, relatively the size and color of a plum. It's slowly fading, but still. I haven't been that bruised for a while, it was odd to know that it came from a kitchen accident.

The moral of the story, folks, is that there is danger everywhere...I just didn't expect it to come after me in the form of a Hobart mixer.


That was my attempt at writing something different for once. Still all about me, but a different take on me, I guess.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Bring It On Down" by Missing 23rd
Show of the Day: Bones

Sunday, July 18, 2010

On the Road Again

I'm looking forward to my drive to California on Tuesday morning. Long drives alone are good for thinking. And also for good music listening, which generally helps out the thinking process. In my opinion, anyway.

I haven't done a long drive alone since September, but I'm excited to go again. I''ll be making up some playlists tonight and tomorrow in preparation. And also doing a lot of laundry.

I don't really have much else to say.
I'll take pictures and such, I'm sure, perhaps even some video.
Wish me luck and a safe drive!
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Sailing To Nowhere" by Broken Bells. The Shins + Gnarls Barkley = Broken Bells. For the most part.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Leave Your Home, Change Your Name

[Keep in mind that this is just my opinion. I listen to and enjoy much more music than that which I reference in this post.]

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome music is? I mean, I know I'm a total music nerd, and as I've said before, in no way do I think of myself as an all-knowing music buff, but I am passionate, and I think that's the most important part.
I realize that I just wrote a music post a couple weeks ago, but I feel like I didn't quite express my love for the beautiful stuff as much as review and recommend a few artists.

I can't read music. Well, actually, I can, but it takes me way too long to sight read, and I just don't like doing it. I like sounds, not symbols. I may regret not learning how to further advance my skills in reading music in the future, but for now, I am quite content with tabs and sounding out things by ear.

I owe a lot of my 80s music knowledge to my mom. Singing songs from Into the Gap by Thompson Twins is one of my favorite childhood memories. And dancing along to "Rio" by Duran Duran when I was little. I'm so glad that I still have most of those tapes and records in my possession now. Scritti Politti, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads...she had good taste. Same with other music genres: Steel Pulse is still one of my favorite reggae bands to this day.

It's a surprise that I didn't know who Led Zeppelin was when I entered high school.
I never was brought up on classic rock, but I quickly learned, and immersed myself in the fantastic tunes, perhaps too much at times. That led into my love of hard core punk rock, and then into my punk phase during my sophomore year of high school, which I do not regret one single bit. How I do miss the local punk shows and mosh pits...but I digress.
Throughout my punk phase, I learned of something called indie rock: I surrounded myself with Rilo Kiley, The Shins, Death Cab, Tegan and Sara, the works. Probably still my favorite type of music to this day. Regardless of how much I love The Doors, I will choose Rogue Wave over "Crystal Ship" any day. Though perhaps not over "The End". My point is, I love the feel good sounds of The National more often than the acid trip sounds of "Dazed and Confused". I want to hear listen to Tegan & Sara's The Con on repeat for 2 weeks straight, intertwined with some Eisley and Now, Now Every Children.

But that doesn't mean I don't have my Taylor Swift and Jason Mraz moments.

I love music. I love lying on my back on the floor of the empty room next to mine in the basement, doing nothing but letting the sounds of Iron and Wine wash over me. Every once and a while, I tear up when I listen to "Passenger's Seat" by Death Cab.

I was once asked by a friend of mine what sense I would rather lose if I had to pick: Sight or Hearing. I said sight. Sure, I can be moved to tears by the sight of a beautiful piece of art or a film shot, but try watching Amelie or City of God without the sound. It is nothing without the music to guide it.

I'll leave you with that.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks" by The National, from their High Violet album. Perhaps my favorite of the year so far. That I've heard anyway.
Film of the Day: Bottle Rocket (1996). I'm in the middle of it. Love it so far. Also, Inception just came out about 35 minutes ago. Probably seeing it tomorrow in between work shifts if possible.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I have no ideas for a catchy title today.

Believe it or not, I've been busy lately. Not like 'omgz i have no time for anything', but I have been more busy than I generally tend to be, which is saying a lot since it's summer and I spend way too much of my time on the interwebs.

This next week is going to be a little crazy. I'm actually kind of nervous about it, which is weird, but it's probably because I haven't had to do so much in one week for several months now \, so I'm just freaking out a little bit internally.
Anyway, I work everyday except Wednesday, and I'm closing dish 3 of those nights, which I'm NOT looking forward to, seeing as it is probably the worst job within the food service industry. As for opening in the bakery in the mornings, I'm getting a lot faster at everything and have most of the recipes committed to memory now, so things are going a lot more smoothly in that department.

It's still incredibly hot here in southern Utah, and I am still not used to it.

I really want to go to Zion sometime soon, but I don't see that happening for at least another two weeks, after I get back from Salt Lake City for Jen's wedding.
Oh, I'm going to SLC for a wedding in a week and a half. I'm so excited! I haven't been up there since last September for my birthday, and I haven'y even seen Jen or Shannon or Bre or Lindsey for over a year now. It's insane. I've missed my Weber buddies.

Speaking of college, I am excited for school to start up again next month. I'm taking 19 credits, which is kind of a lot, especially for me, considering I haven't ever taken more than 13 at once before in the last 2 years. In any case, I'm excited. A little nervous, but excited nonetheless.
I'll be taking American Civilization (basically US History), Human Development (... psychology? Or close to it), Elements of Grammar (yay English major classes), Intermediate Ceramics (I've missed the wheel...), Beginning Spanish II (me gusta mucho), and Communication Design, which is just a the very basic starting course for anyone interested in Graphic Design. Of which I am. So. There we go.

I've been playing guitar a lot more lately, not really writing so much as practicing and improving. Or trying to at least. I have motivation to do so lately, so I'm just going to roll with it.
But I did write a song last week that I really like. It's called Weird Kids, and I would really like to expand on it a bit more, though the chorus is pretty set.

Okay, I need to head off to sleep.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Lipstick" by Lemuria
Film of the Day: Good Will Hunting

Also, Inception comes out next week! Stoked. And check out the trailer for Let Me In, it looks pretty awesome, and not just because Chloe Moretz is in it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Don't Care About The Car - a music suggestion post

This is definitely a music post. As I'm sure you know (at least if you've read a few of my posts) how much I love music. I wont get into that again. Not now, anyhow.
Anyway, I am so incredibly grateful to have such a passion for music, and the motivation to actually search for new bands and artists to listen to on a daily basis.

Right now, I'd basically just like to inform anyone reading this of a few bands to look at now and search for in the future, because I think that they could be legendary (or close to it), regardless of whether or not they make it to the "mainstream" music scene, so to speak. In no way do I consider myself as a professional music critic or anything, but I do believe I have good taste in music. So there's always that.

I heard about this group a few months ago but never really gave them a listen until last week, and then an even better listen last night. My favorite songs by them are Cars and the acoustic version of In My Chest, both available for a listen on their MySpace, which I've linked, just in case you didn't click on it already.
Not only do I love Cacie's voice (the lead singer...obviously), but just the overall sound of their music is something you don't hear everyday, which is always refreshing. They are fantastic in my mind, and a real inspiration to me, as a musician and otherwise.

Now for the faster, more dancy-ish stuff.

I found this guy thanks to the Talk To Animals MySpace (I'll mention more about that down below..), and within the first 3 seconds of every one of his songs, my mind was completely blown by the catchy, awesome, dare I say it, amazing, dance/techno/electronica tunes. I haven't really found out yet for sure, but I believe it's just one person, and I think he's around my age, seeing as he's still in school. But regardless, he has a great talent for making great music to move to.

Unicorn Kid does a remix of a Talk To Animals song (available for a listen on his MySpace, as is linked above). Talk To Animals is pretty cool too, especially if you're kind of into the indie/hipster music scene. Which I guess all of these artists are for you in that case. They're all a bit different of a sound than what society as a whole is used to listening to, that's for sure. But that as very rarely a bad thing in my opinion. Anyway, they are definitely good for dancing to as well. And we all know (well maybe not all of us) how much I love to dance.

I think I may be a bit late to jump on this bandwagon, but Paper Route has recently found it's way into my life as well. Good tunes, for sure.
Also, Fun. has been on a few of my playlists as of late. Their last album, Aim and Ignite, is quite good. I love their sound, [just about] all of their songs are so catchy. The guitarist of Fun., Jack Antonoff, is also the singer for Steel Train, who just released a great album themselves.

As mentioned in one of my last posts, Sleigh Bells is just another one of many artists that has become a part of my musical life. They are definitely different, and may take some getting used to. Just don't cast them out right away if you aren't sure about their sound. I didn't like them at first, then I listened to them again a few weeks later and fell in love with their chaotic, good sounding noise. And then proceeded to almost blow the speakers in my car because they have so much bass in their songs and I have crappy sound in my car.

Let me know what you think of these artists! Be sure to give them all a listen, or at least listen to some of one song from each of them, yeah?
Happy listening, and later days.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sugar On the Asphalt

Instead of watching the Mexico game right now, I'm sitting in my basement/room listening to Jimmy Eat World's first album and waiting for my laundry to dry. But aparrently Mexico is losing, so I'm not too bummed about missing it.

In 15 minutes I'm going to a work BBQ/party thing for Brick Oven. That should be...interesting. I'll just leave it at that.

Really, this post is kind of pointless.

Though I would like to say that I'm excited for Wrockstock in November. And on that note, I wish I could record my songs with more legit equipment than my one cheap condenser mic, ridiculously complicated and ghetto software, and classical guitar. But, alas, life is not always fair. unfortunately. But why can it not be??
I ask myself that all the time.

I suppose everything is possible, right? Perhaps the possibilities have just yet to present themselves in my life. Hopefully.

Okay, I'm going to go on a short tangent.
I want to play music. I don't care if I get played on the radio or only have a small group of fans or something, but I want to record an album with someone who can actually produce it, and I want to tour the US and Canada, at the very least. I think this has always been a suppressed dream of mine, in the sense that I've always thought it was a neat idea but I never saw it as an ideal thing to do.

But I have recently changed my mind.
I realize it's kind of a big ambition, but I've got the time, I'm only 19. I just want to live my life to the fullest, however cliche that may sound. But it's the truth.

Hmm. I need a drum set.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Bleed American" by Jimmy Eat World
fact: The things I get the most compliments on are my purple jeans and blue watch. I'd like to thank Target for this.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dance Dance Dance

Okay folks. Confession time.
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who does this, but it's still weird to admit.
I dance. A lot. I know, I know. It's ridiculous, right? But I do, and I've even found that the times I dance the most are when I'm by myself.
I don't know if it's just because I feel more comfortable that way or what, but it's been getting out of hand, people. Whenever I cook/bake, I like to turn on music to listen to, and even when it isn't dance-type music, I dance to it. In the kitchen. While baking.

I dance when I clean my room to, which actually isn't too often, but still. Or when I'm bored, I dance.

In all seriousness though, I love dancing, even if I look like a total idiot. one is usually around to confirm that, so I could perhaps be an incredibly amazing dancer, who knows?

I'm not sure how many of you actually read my blog, but if you do you you know that I designate a "Song of the Day" every time I put up a new post. So here's my question to you: What is your song of the day? I want to know what you all are listening to. So leave a comment telling me what you're hearing, or what you wish you were hearing, or what your favorite thing to hear is.

Good night, and later days.

Song of the Day: "Crown On The Ground" by Sleigh Bells. This band is pretty darn unique. I like to describe it as good sounding noise. If you listen to it you'll know what I mean. Also, it is very much an acquired tasted, in fact, the first time I heard it I was kind of like, "What the hell is this", so be warned.
fact: I am legally blind without my contacts or glasses.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rooftop Crows Nest In A Sea Swell

Today was a rather successful day in terms of creativity and friend making.
In the creativity corner (quite literally, considering that's where my little craft table is in my room) I've finally finished the homemade ghetto screens for the shirts I'm going to be making and selling at Wrockstock for Foundation of Fair Fortune. It took a little bit of trial and error to get to the finish line with this project, but it's worked out now, so all is well. Now I just need to actually get the shirts and print on them, which sounds simple enough, but I have this feeling that something is bound to go a little bit wrong at some point, knowing my luck.
Also, I need to finish my cross stitch project I started a few weeks back. I'm just about half the way done with it, and it's going to take another little while to finish. I'll have to tackle that this next week. Other than that, I just have the drawing I'm doing on a piece of cardboard with a Sharpie. It looks great so far, and I'm enjoying the mediums a lot.

As for the friend making, I went to a bonfire down in Arizona tonight, just across the border about 10 minutes. Even though we made the fire in the correct spot, the cops still came by and got made because we didn't dig a pit for it or something..? So they made us put it out.

Anyway, about half of the people there were friends of friends, but we all got along like we'd known each other before tonight, which was fantastic.
After the bonfire incident, we went to Denny's, seeing as it was 1am and none of us wanted to go home yet.

Now I'm home, and ready to go to bed...except that I still need to prepare a lesson that I'm teaching in Church tomorrow. But I think I'm just going to read over the lesson right now, and then finish prepping for it in the morning before the Brazil game comes on.

Until next time, later days.

Song of the Day: "That Was the Worst Christmas Ever" by Sufjan Stevens. Even though it's techinically a Christmas song, I listen to it all the time, because, well...Sufjan is amazing.

Film of the Day: The Three Musketeers (1993). Only now have I realized how bad of a movie this really is, but how I still enjoy watching it anyway. Also, why, if it is set in France, are there American and English accents only? No one in this film has a French accent and it kind of bugs.

fact: I learned how to roll pizza dough with the big machine thing today at work. I love working in the kitchen.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hopes, Dreams, and Other Things

I've lately been questioning things. Mainly hopes and dreams, and the pursuit of such things throughout life.
People have always said, "Life's not fair." Well...why the heck not? Why can't life be fair? Who was the person that said it could not be fair, and who are they to continually tell me such? Sure, things happen and life sucks once and a while for various reasons, those reasons varying from little things to drastic life changing events, but why are there so many people in the world willing to accept that that is the way things are? You work through the tough, through the pain and hurt, the frustrations. You strive to find happiness once more, or if you've never had it, to discover it for the first time.
Life can be fair, there is absolutely no reason it should not be. Whether you are religious, or don't believe in any higher power beyond what is on this earth, there is no reason that you should not believe in something great like happiness, or love for that matter.

Ever since I changed my major to English, I've been second guessing myself, asking myself if this is really what I want to do. And I know it is, but why can I not do more? Just because it isn't typical to do more than one thing in life as a profession does not mean I can't do it in my life.

I signed up for a Communications Design class last night because I've been extremely interested in graphic design lately, and thought I could see if I enjoy the very basic essentials of what that specific degree and/or life choice has to offer. If so, I'm thinking I might get my masters in graphic design. I know I'll continue my education further once I have my bachelor's degree, I've always had that goal in mind, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to go in a completely different direction than what I'm doing now. I want to finish what I'm doing now, there's no doubt about that, but once I've graduated, I want change.

I feel like most people fear change a little bit, but are eager to have it in their lives all the same. I think this is why I want to live in so many places in the years to come. I want stability and continuity, but I can always do more. There is always more.

In conclusion...wait no. I hate that.
In the end.
In summation.
We all have the chance to live well, and we all have the ability to choose how to do that. So do it well, and, ultimately, be happy.

Later days.

This was kind of a rant of a blog post, my apologies.

Band of the Day: The Hidden Cameras. At the moment, I'm quite enjoying the song "A Miracle" and, though I probably shouldn't love it so much, "Steal All You Can M*********r". But if I were you, I'd at least give the first one a listen. I have yet to even come close to listening to all of their tunes. This is very much the kind of music I strive to make, personally. Just laid back and chill.
fact: Even during the ridiculously hot St. George summers, I sleep with a comforter on me. I like to be cozy.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today Is the Day

The day that Toy Story 3 comes out in theatres.
I was talking with some friends yesterday about how it's been 11 years since Toy Story 2, and 15 years since the very first Toy Story movie. It's incredible how much time has passed, because it really doesn't seem like it's been that long.

That's really all I had to say.
And that I can't see the England World Cup game tomorrow because we don't have ESPN 2 or something. Bummer.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Brooklyn is Burning" by Head Automatica
Film of the Day: School Ties (1992). Very good movie. Matt Damon, Brendan Frasier, Ben Affleck, Chris O'Donnell...quite good acting in their younger years.
fact: The only assigned reading I actually read in high school were The Advenures of Huckleberry Finn, Things Fall Apart, Romeo and Juliet, and Pride and Prejudice. Oh, and The Scarlet Letter, which nearly killed me. Everything else I either read bits and pieces of or didn't read at all, and I rarely used sparknotes.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I've had a headache since about 9pm last night.
No bueno.

I got some news from my bosses yesterday at work that I'm going to be trained in the bakery part of the kitchen this week. I was super excited because I've been wanting to learn more lately and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. The catch: I have to be at work at 6am. Which means waking up around 5:15.

As we all know, I absolutely despise mornings and generally tend to sleep in as much as my mom allows. In fact, it is extremely difficult to pull myself out of bed before 10am. I don't like doing it.

So I think this getting up at the crack of dawn (quite literally, unfortunately) thing will do me some good. Help to regulate my sleep schedule that has been out of whack for the last year and a half. Plus, I'm just excited to be able to learn all this new stuff and get a few more hours under my belt. It'll really help paying for Wrockstock to be a lot easier.

Speaking of traveling, I'm really thinking about going to visit Canada sometime next year. I would be going to, or around, Kitchener, Ontario, seeing as that's where Devin lives. I would love to go to Vancouver and Montreal too, eventually. I also need to start paying off the interest on my student loans. I also kind of want some new speakers for my car. And a drum set.
But, alas, money does not grow on trees, and I've recently come to accept the fact that not having everything I want right when I want it will make me happy.
Though I would be stoked to have a drum set right now.
I digress.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?" by Taking Back Sunday
Although Taking Back Sunday was a product of my 'me wanting to be super cool by listening to super cool music' phase during 9th grade, I think that they are probably in my top 10 most favorite bands to this day.

fact: I own the first 4 seasons of Weeds and the first 3 seasons of Dexter on DVD, seeing as they are my two favorite shows, followed closely by Skins.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ah, simple. Simple simple simple.
And now I've just been reminded of that one nursery rhyme about Simple Simon trying to buy a pie at the fair but not having any money to do so. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was trying to make, yet I just took 2 minutes of my time to grab my 37 year old Mother Goose book off of my shelf to look that up. I LOVE having A.D.D. Except not.

Anyway, simplicity. It's a grand thing. My old art teach, Mr. Clancy, used to tell us "keep it simple stupid" whenever we were thinking too hard about something. I think he threw the "stupid" part in there just so that it would spell the acronym* KISS correctly. But regardless, he had a point, and not just with art, but with life in general. Keep it simple. Don't over think.

I'm not really a shy person, but people think I am because I don't really talk a whole lot when you first meet me (usually-there are occasions where this isn't really an issue; I guess it just depends). It's not that I'm shy, but I just don't really have anything to say, though I talk if I do have something on my mind that I want to share aloud. I don't like bombarding people with words and talking just for the sake of doing so. Obviously if I'm having a conversation I'm not going to be mute, I'm going to carry on speaking, but I feel as though so many people need to have noise around them all the time.

I am completely content with awkward silence.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Own Your Own Home" by Rogue Wave
fact: I've seen Prince of Persia twice since it came out last week. And I'd easily see it again.

*I just had to type "letters standing for words" into Google because I could remember "acronym". It came up right away too. Three cheers for Google.

No Worries

I'm still here! I honestly kind of forgot about blogging for this last little bit, and the last few weeks have just flown by.

My life as of late:
I've been listening to an excessive amount of Tiesto, Danny Dementor, An Horse, Chiodos, and Rogue Wave. And of course Tegan and Sara. I don't think I ever stop listening to them, so that doesn't count. I also seem to be heading back to my screamo/hardcore/lots-of-double-bass phase. I'm okay with this.
I am still reading my 40 books! I'm only on book 15 right now because I'm such a slow reader, but I finished The Chocolate War last week, and it was AMAZING. Or at least worthy of being my third favorite I've read so far this year, after Hunger Games and Catching Fire.
I work about 2 to 4 days a week (generally it's closer to the 2 times a week mark) washing dishes until 1am. It's great fun. I wish I could do it every day.
I have been trying to play my Foundation of Fair Fortune songs a lot so as to learn them completely by the time Wrockstock comes around. I haven't signed up for the Willow yet, seeing as the signups for it just opened yesterday, but I'll probably get around to that today.

What I've been trying to do is play every song I've written for FoFF about twice through every time I pick up one of my guitars (I got a new guitar, I don't know if I have mentioned that here yet). That way I can hopefully perfect them to my liking, maybe change some lyrics or music, but just overall get a good feel for every one of them, since there are a good amount. Though I'm still not sure which ones I'll end up playing for my 30 minute set.

The last couple of days I've been working on a t-shirt design for FoFF. I came up with one I really like, so I'm in the process of making up some ghetto silk screens for it (like...really ghetto) to see if it'll work out. If it doesn't, I'm going to end up making something more simple, probably just some cool looking text.
I've also decided to record a demo EP to have available at Wrockstock, so that should be fun to work on.

Just this week, I've decided that I will be spending most of my financial aid/loan money for this coming semester on my text books and a new laptop. More specifically, a Macbook pro, most likely 15". So that should be exciting.

I'm also thinking about getting this set of bells that I spotted at a pawn shop the other day. And by bells, I don't mean like, church bell bells, but bells you play with mallets. They're basically a small xylophone, but made of metal, not wood and/or fiberglass.

That's all I have for you for now. I'll try to update again this week, I have a lot of spare time right now.
Until then, later days.

Song of the Day: "No You Girls" by Franz Ferdinand
fact: I wont be able to visit Ventura this year again until Christmas, most likely. There's a small chance of an October visit, but it's quite tiny as far as chances go. It's unfortunate, and kind of weird, that I can't go, because I still feel like it's my home, having lived there for basically my whole life, but I have to accept that my home is here now. Especially since I'll be here for at least 2 more years finishing school. After I graduate, I'm off to Canada. Or somewhere that isn't Utah. Preferably a blue state.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On and On

When I go to read a blog and see that it's a million miles long, unless I'm in a particularly good mood, I won't read the whole thing unless it hooks me right from the start. I'm just being honest. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. So I've decided that I'll stop writing such huge posts.

My computer is a piece of crap (otherwise known as a PC) and it got a virus two days ago. I've yet to take it somewhere to get repaired, or whatever happens to it now, but it's annoying to not have all my stuff that is currently being stored on that hard drive. Thank the lord I have my music and pictures backed up.

Since I'm doing the honesty thing right now (even though I always try to be as bluntly realistic and honest as possible anyway) I'm going to give it to you straight: I'm done with summer. I've been on break for about 3 weeks now, and I'm so bored. I want school back. I'm excited for my classes to start in the fall. I have NEVER been excited for things like the fundamental elements of grammar and the human life cycle. Seriously.

I'll leave you with that.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "I've Got Friends" by Manchester Orchestra
fact: I put up a new vlog today.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Part 4: Death Cab and Random Strangers

During the summer of 2005, I hung out with my cousin Jenna and my good friend Lauren on a daily basis. On the weekends we spent our time at the Underground at night and sleeping during the day. Now that I think about it, I feel like our summer was something out of a young adult novel: Parents were nowhere to be seen, or at least rarely seen, and they seemed like the most pointless part of our lives at that point in time. We made an effort to get away from our homes and our families, to be free and live how we wanted to, regardless of whether or not we were only 14 or 15.
Also on a daily basis was music, most notably Death Cab For Cutie. There were other artists, such as The Shins, Tegan and Sara, and Rilo Kiley; it was definitely the summer of our discovery and love for indie music. The main songs that come to mind are:

"Transatlanticism" by Death Cab
"Passenger's Seat" by Death Cab
"We Looked Like Giants" by Death Cab
"Walking With A Ghost" by Tegan and Sara
"Speak Slow" by Tegan and Sara
"Portions For Foxes" by Rilo Kiley
"Kissing The Lipless" by The Shins
"Caring Is Creepy" by The Shins

That's a good little playlist to perfect sum up that summer and how it felt to us. I'm listening to it now as I write and different memories are flowing through my head.
Just before July 4th three boys came over to my house. Matt. Morgan. Nathan. I think those were their names. Jenna, Lauren, and I were there, no one else. I didn't know the boys. Actually, I knew Nathan, or Nate. But the others, not so much. But I didn't care. I never cared about anything. I just wanted to fit in and be a chill person that everyone wanted to hang out with, which eventually ended up happening, but I soon after realized that having a social life didn't mean I had to disregard the rest of my life.
One of them was smoking on the front porch. I was worried that the neighbors would be suspicious about them, so we all went into my garage, where there was an extra room added on to the back of it. I had painted a giant wave on one of the walls, with reds and yellows and blues. And we had put our hand prints on the wall with paint. There were white Christmas lights up around the edges and an open window with no glass, but only a screen. I had put folding lawn chairs around the room.
It was my place. My spot that I went to where I could be by myself and think and listen to the previously mentioned playlist in peace. Or with Jenna and Lauren.

Another memory is one from about 4 months after that last one. By this time I no longer lived in the house with my garage room, unfortunately. I loved that house. It was in midtown Ventura, two blocks east of Ventura HS, which was a perfect spot for short boarding the hallways. Anyway, my mom got married, our family grew, and so we moved to another house, which happened to be in a completely different city about 20 minutes away.
While living there I didn't make any friends because I still went to school in Ventura everyday, and Jenna was sleeping over constantly. When ever she did sleep over, we would just go into my room and sit, letting incense burn, leaving the one window that could open just barely cracked.
During the day, light came in through the two small windows high up on the wall above my bed, the ones that couldn't be opened. At night we generally would just open all the windows and blinds so that we could see the moon and the stars, and the revolving lights from the tower at the Camarillo Airport would shine in through the little windows every 4 seconds or so.

On one night in particular I remember that we were sitting in the darkness, Jenna laying on my bed and me sitting on the floor, leaning on the side of the mattress and box spring. I was playing my guitar quietly because it was really late, and I was playing the classical songs that I had needed to practice earlier that day. I remember Jenna falling asleep while I played, and I also remember that I could barely keep my own eyes open, but I was enjoyed plucking at the strings so much that I literally fell asleep with my guitar in my hands.
I woke up barely a few minutes after dozing off, but I still remember a certain peace that I felt that night when I was playing. I remember that I could leave the window open because it was so warm out, and we were on the second floor of the house in a gated community, so there wasn't any worry of someone trying to break in or anything. I got up from sitting and put my guitar away, turned on the Death Cab mix that we were still constantly listening to, at a low volume, and laid down on the floor and fell to sleep.

Remembering these things makes me so happy, because I remember being so incredibly happy when they happened in the first place.

So please, dear readers of my blog, get a hold of those songs if you do not have them in your possession already, and the next time you're laying in bed at night and can't sleep, turn on a Death Cab For Cutie song. Lay there and listen to it. Relax. Don't think except to think of good things. Feel happy, feel peace. Close your eyes and just simply be.

Until next time,
Later Days.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Feel It In My Bones

Just so you're aware, I'll be jumping around quite a lot. It's 3 am and I have A.D.D. That's just how my brain works. Actually, my brain works like that all the time, the fact that it's 3 am is completely irrelevant. I'll also be taking a page from Hayley G. Hoover's book, so to speak, and using asterisks* for a little bit of background story wherever I see fit. Which means I'll probably use way too many of them because I tend to go off on tangents a lot. For example, this introduction/explanation is far too long because I rambled too much. Enjoy.

My favorite quote is "I go to seek a Great Perhaps", the last words that were said by Francois Reblais, a French writer from the Renaissance period. Now, those of you who have read Looking For Alaska by John Green can probably guess that that is where I first heard of this quote*. I love this quote. It was actually my senior quote**, and people continually were asking me: Why that quote? What does it mean? Who said it?

Obviously (well, unless you've never read LFA, then it's not so much) the quote brings back the memories of reading John Green's fantastic book. I've only read it one full time, plus I read about 1/3 of it about a year ago during the summer. I then lent it to my cousin, and haven't seen it since, so I'll probably have to buy yet another copy because that was my second. But I digress.
The fact that I've only read it once changes absolutely nothing. I remember the exact day I started reading it:

It was during my junior year of high school, and it was a Wednesday. I know this because I had Physiology on Wednesday mornings and on this particular day I ditched and was sitting in Mr. Geib's 9th grade English class because my "friend" Mia was in it. I guess she was my friend, but the friendship was short lived. Anyway, I was there instead of where I was supposed to be. Not surprisingly, this happened about once or twice a month***. Before I ended up in Geib's room, however, I had pulled an all-nighter, my first ever, in fact. The day before, I bought two books at random from Barnes and Noble, Looking For Alaska by John Green and Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters. I stayed up all night reading the latter of the two from cover to cover (it's also quite good). I immediately started LFA around 5 am that Wednesday morning because I just had the reading bug. I ended up leaving my house at 6, went to get a donut and a Monster energy drink****, and then went to seminary at 6:30 with the only thing on my mind being Miles Halter.
So. After Geib's class, I don't really remember the rest of that day, probably because I was so tired. When I got home I took a nap. That I remember.

My point is that the quote reminds me of the book, which then makes me happy and sad and incredibly curious about life after death. And even just life in general. That's the thing, see. A Great Perhaps. What is it?? I believe we each have our very own individual Great Perhaps in each of our lives and that we will either find it or we won't. Not everyone will. Some will search for it, some will not, but regardless of whether or not we are looking for it, it's out there, whatever it is.

Personally, I know what I would like my Great Perhaps to be, but I have no idea if that is what it is, if that makes any sense. Personal revelation versus actual revelation. What is and what I want to be are not the same thing.
I don't generally come off as a religious person, but I truly am. I grew up in the LDS Church, and I am still a member, though perhaps not your traditional Mormon. I side as liberal in most political situations, have tattoos, and watch rated R movies on a regular basis, which isn't quite the norm down here in extremely conservative Southern Utah, but I still love my Church. I believe that physical death is just that: physical. Otherwise, I think we will all go on to bigger and better things after death, in a sense. Whether or not my Great Perhaps is then or now is information that is beyond me, but I like to think it's one or the other, and that I will find it someday.

Good night and later days.

Song of the Day: "Feel It In My Bones" by Tiesto featuring Tegan & Sara

fact: I can't sleep at night if I'm thinking too much, which means that I generally can't ever sleep at all because I'm always thinking, and at quite fast rates. I was prescribed a generic Ambien sort of thing to take to help, but anyone who is street smart about drugs (whether you do them or not) knows that Ambien can be a little weird if you don't go to sleep when you take it. Well, I once forgot that I had taken it. Everything was fine, and after about 30 minutes, I stood up from being seated and found that I was, to put it bluntly, high. Therefore, I must be careful and remember that I did in fact take my meds. Good times.

*If you've never read it, I recommend it, it's truly one of the most thought provoking and heart wrenching coming of age stories I've ever read.
**Funny story: I wasn't actually in my yearbook senior year. I changed schools in the middle of the year, and I didn't make it into my new school's yearbook, but I was still in the old school's. Regardless, the old school wouldn't let me buy a year book from them because I was no longer a student with them...even though I had been for 3 and a half years prior. Hmm.
***For the record I got a D in Physiology because I never turned in my work. It was probably one of my favorite non-art classes in all of high school though, and I still remember quite a lot from it.
****I'm allergic to all energy drinks, more specifically taurine. For some reason my body never reacted to it until last summer when I got an energy booster in my Jamba Juice smoothie and I proceeded to break out in hives, which was weird for me, seeing as it was the first time I had ever been allergic to anything. I narrowed down taurine because I did some research and found out that it was the only ingredient from the boost that is also in Rockstar juice energy drinks (and all others), which is what I drank the second time I broke out in hives last October when I was studying for a nutrition test.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Chance To Sell My Soul

Despite the fact that I have what I'd call a close relationship with the band Toad the Wet Sprocket, figuratively and literally speaking, I haven't listened to them in quite a long time. Just a few minutes ago I turned on the Toad station on and "Desire" came on, which is from their Coil album, if I'm not mistaken, which was...I think their last album before the split. Anyway, I don't have that album anymore because it was stolen out of my mom's truck several years back, along with pretty much all of their other albums that we owned of theirs. Because I only have about 30 of their songs on my itunes I haven't heard many of their songs for a while, which is annoying because my favorite Toad songs are all on the Fear and Coil album, whereas I've only got the P.S. - Greatest Hits album thing.

I had a point to this, but I've seemed to lost my way. Basically, I miss the 90's. I don't care if I was born in 1990, I actually have a surprisingly good memory and can recall things from my past back into 1993.
I miss 90's music a whole heck of a lot, even though it wasn't my favorite at the time, I listened to a lot of Steel Pulse, Elvis Presley, Fleetwood Mac, and Depeche Mode when I was a kid. I was just cool like that I guess. And that's just what my mom listened to. I really started getting into the 90's alternative rock stuff probably around the time when the 90's ended, around 2000.

I've never been one to listen to the radio, but I do remember when I got my very own CD/tape player and I discovered that I had the ability to record things on tape from the radio. Which I did often. In fact, just a few weeks ago, I was cleaning out the back of my car when I found an entire box full of tapes that I've collected over the years from garage sales and thrift stores, and probably my mom, and I found several tapes labeled "Radio Mix" or "Radio Mix 2" or some crap. I also found a "Dance Mix" containing various artists such as Aqua and Spice Girls, which I completely forgot I was into when I was like, 7.

Back to Toad: I miss it. And now that it's back in my life, so to speak, I dig it and am so grateful for such awesome music in my life.

Songs of the Day: "Desire" (I could only find a live mp3 file, my bad) and "Walk On the Ocean" (which you've probably heard before).

fact about myself: I have small nervous ticks (just one of the many perks that come along with the ADD) in my hands and face. It's awesome, let me tell ya. /sarcasm

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Miss

I miss doing things that I'm not supposed to.

I decided to go swing at the playground at the elementary school across the street from my school today around 8pm. Fortunately, it stays light out until around 9, and the weather was cloudy but there was a nice warm breeze out. In my opinion, perfect swinging weather. I sat there for a while without actually swinging, and just thought about when I was 14 and went to parks and swung on swings and proceeded to walk around town into the late hours of the night with the most random people.

My point is, I miss not having to worry. I miss not having to be a grown up, having to go to college, keep a job, be an example to my brothers, and actually thinking about what I'll be doing this time next year. I miss the times where I didn't have to care so much.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and all, but I could easily be happier.

But it could be worse.
It could be raining.
/inside joke

Song of the Day: "Camp Out" by An Horse. I'm loving these guys lately. Kate Cooper is awesome. AND Kaki King does a great cover of this song. She's pretty awesome too.

fact: I get extremely annoyed when people interrupt others when they're speaking. It pisses me off, really.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

100th post! And a life update

I bought a guitar. Just an electric acoustic from a pawn shop, no big deal. But now I have to wait until I get paid on Thursday to get my Wrockstock pass. THEN I can sign up to play the Wampum Willow at Wrockstock!

In other news, I have no idea if I'm going to be able to go to Ventura in July like I wanted to. I was going to go for 3 or 4 days and see ALL CAPS and Womping Willows and such in LA, but I don't know if I'll be able to afford it.

I've been thinking I should try to find another job for the summer, one that isn't food related. Like a cashier or something. Since I only work nights at the restaurant, I could easily work day shifts somewhere else. I just need to go find somewhere that's hiring. And fast.

I'm quite tired. I was at work until about 1:30 this morning. One of the other dishwashers was fired, but nobody bothered to fix the schedule so that someone else could come in for them. So I was the only dishwasher on a super busy Friday night. Good times.

On that note, goodnight, and later days.

Song of the Day: "Ocean Or a Lakeshore" by Bella. One of my favorite songs right now.

fact: I really like shopping at The Home Depot or Lowe's. Something about a home appliance store really appeals to me.

Oh yeah, I made a MySpace for Reorganized Trench Coats so I could share some stuff over the interwebs. I don't have any songs up except a demo clip of something I still haven't finished writing, but hopefully by the middle of next week I'll have some demos recorded or something.