Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Worries

I'm still here! I honestly kind of forgot about blogging for this last little bit, and the last few weeks have just flown by.

My life as of late:
I've been listening to an excessive amount of Tiesto, Danny Dementor, An Horse, Chiodos, and Rogue Wave. And of course Tegan and Sara. I don't think I ever stop listening to them, so that doesn't count. I also seem to be heading back to my screamo/hardcore/lots-of-double-bass phase. I'm okay with this.
I am still reading my 40 books! I'm only on book 15 right now because I'm such a slow reader, but I finished The Chocolate War last week, and it was AMAZING. Or at least worthy of being my third favorite I've read so far this year, after Hunger Games and Catching Fire.
I work about 2 to 4 days a week (generally it's closer to the 2 times a week mark) washing dishes until 1am. It's great fun. I wish I could do it every day.
I have been trying to play my Foundation of Fair Fortune songs a lot so as to learn them completely by the time Wrockstock comes around. I haven't signed up for the Willow yet, seeing as the signups for it just opened yesterday, but I'll probably get around to that today.

What I've been trying to do is play every song I've written for FoFF about twice through every time I pick up one of my guitars (I got a new guitar, I don't know if I have mentioned that here yet). That way I can hopefully perfect them to my liking, maybe change some lyrics or music, but just overall get a good feel for every one of them, since there are a good amount. Though I'm still not sure which ones I'll end up playing for my 30 minute set.

The last couple of days I've been working on a t-shirt design for FoFF. I came up with one I really like, so I'm in the process of making up some ghetto silk screens for it (like...really ghetto) to see if it'll work out. If it doesn't, I'm going to end up making something more simple, probably just some cool looking text.
I've also decided to record a demo EP to have available at Wrockstock, so that should be fun to work on.

Just this week, I've decided that I will be spending most of my financial aid/loan money for this coming semester on my text books and a new laptop. More specifically, a Macbook pro, most likely 15". So that should be exciting.

I'm also thinking about getting this set of bells that I spotted at a pawn shop the other day. And by bells, I don't mean like, church bell bells, but bells you play with mallets. They're basically a small xylophone, but made of metal, not wood and/or fiberglass.

That's all I have for you for now. I'll try to update again this week, I have a lot of spare time right now.
Until then, later days.

Song of the Day: "No You Girls" by Franz Ferdinand
fact: I wont be able to visit Ventura this year again until Christmas, most likely. There's a small chance of an October visit, but it's quite tiny as far as chances go. It's unfortunate, and kind of weird, that I can't go, because I still feel like it's my home, having lived there for basically my whole life, but I have to accept that my home is here now. Especially since I'll be here for at least 2 more years finishing school. After I graduate, I'm off to Canada. Or somewhere that isn't Utah. Preferably a blue state.

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