Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Suggest You Smile

One of the greatest feelings a person can feel, in the personal opinion, is happiness. Now, happiness can have an exponential amount of components adding to the awesome, so to speak, like friendship, love, music, etc. But the thing that always sneaks up on me are other people. Not literally sneak up on me, but as in the ways I see people act on a day to day basis, generally within viewing distance, not to sound creepy. I people watch. We all do it. Like facebook stalking.
But I digress.
Today I was walking from the library down to the Hazy building so I could finish my design homework (which is where I am now, and am I doing my homework? No. I'm writing this), and it's about 1/3 of a mile or so, and I passed a lot of people. Not only was I stoked to grab a copy of The Sacred Wood essays by T. S. Elliot, but I had just come from the library, which is one off my favorite places to be now, apparently. The feeling of being around so much knowledge is just...overwhelming. And mesmerizing. Anyway, I was watching people as I walked, and saw a lot of blank faces, but I also saw some smiles, which cheered me up, and in turn made me smile.
Generally, people feel that smiling without a reason to smile feels a little awkward, but I love the feeling. If I pass a person on the sidewalk that sees me smiling for no reason, perhaps it will make their day a little bit just as mine has been made by someone else.

So today...I suggest that you smile.

...and listen to music.
Song of the Day: "Open" by Delay.

Later days.

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