Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm Too Young, They're Too Old

I was thinking about doing BEDA again this month after having done it throughout the month of April, but then I remembered I'm taking 19 credits this semester, which starts in the middle of the middle of the month. I felt like I shouldn't try and commit to it.

Anyway, my week has been...interesting. On Sunday, I literally just stayed in my pajamas all day watching Bones and playing guitar. I worked Monday morning, but I ended up never sleeping Sunday night, so just went to work at 6 am extremely exhausted. After work, I got one hour of sleep, watched some more Bones, then went back to work for 4 more hours at 5 pm.
I ended up falling asleep that night at 11, which I don't think I've done for literally years.
On Tuesday, my brother, Andrew, and and my cousin, Karina, and I went to see Karate Kid, which impressed me, to say the least, though the original will always have a special place in heart. We also painted birdhouses and discussed primary colors and shading techniques. Well. I discussed. They kind of listened and asked me art questions, which was fun for me, regardless.

I haven't written a now song for a while, but I think I'm going to try and sit for a bit tomorrow after work and figure out a new tune of some sort. I'm not sure if I want to do wrock or regular...maybe both.

I'm tired. I work again tomorrow. Well, in 3 hours, actually. I should probably attempt to get some sleep, right?

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Hard To Explain" by The Strokes

PS - I'm doing a Blogtv show on Thursday night! I'll play some songs, talk to friends, just kind of chill. Should be fun. Follow my twitter for updates if you feel the need.

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