Wednesday, September 29, 2010


When I'm at work - and otherwise, I suppose - I tend to do a lot of tedious and repetitive tasks, such as cutting heads of lettuce and buttering loaves of French bread. My point is, the only thing that I have on hand to entertain myself are my thoughts.
I am constantly day dreaming. The thing is, though, that my day dreams are all made up of stories, like written stories that I think up in my head. They're generally just short little things with no conclusion, perhaps not even a middle, but there are so much stories that I have begun and never finished. It's quite unfortunate that I forget them the moment I stop thinking about them. It would be nice if us human beings were able to literally file things away into our brains for use at later dates.

I was thinking about novels the other day, and how mind blowing some of them are to me. Obviously (maybe), Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia are at the top of said mind-blowing-list-of-stories, but there is one other that came to mind as well that isn't quite as popular.

Probably some of my favorite novels, simply because they take me so far from reality, are from The Keys to the Kingdom series. Now, you can find these books in the kids section of Barnes and Noble, and while it is about a young man named Arther and concerns a few other children as characters, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 13. Main reason being: it's extremely complicated. Every time I read the first book in the series, Mister Monday, I learn something new that I didn't see before. There are so many bits and pieces that go into this story it's incredible. I've never read books like it besides Harry Potter. Even then, the story is one of a kind. I really hope someone makes movies for them because I would love to see a visual interpretation of the imagery used by Garth Nix and his world.

I'm just going to end here and go read now.
Later days.

Band of the Day: Broken Social Scene

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