Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Chance To Sell My Soul

Despite the fact that I have what I'd call a close relationship with the band Toad the Wet Sprocket, figuratively and literally speaking, I haven't listened to them in quite a long time. Just a few minutes ago I turned on the Toad station on and "Desire" came on, which is from their Coil album, if I'm not mistaken, which was...I think their last album before the split. Anyway, I don't have that album anymore because it was stolen out of my mom's truck several years back, along with pretty much all of their other albums that we owned of theirs. Because I only have about 30 of their songs on my itunes I haven't heard many of their songs for a while, which is annoying because my favorite Toad songs are all on the Fear and Coil album, whereas I've only got the P.S. - Greatest Hits album thing.

I had a point to this, but I've seemed to lost my way. Basically, I miss the 90's. I don't care if I was born in 1990, I actually have a surprisingly good memory and can recall things from my past back into 1993.
I miss 90's music a whole heck of a lot, even though it wasn't my favorite at the time, I listened to a lot of Steel Pulse, Elvis Presley, Fleetwood Mac, and Depeche Mode when I was a kid. I was just cool like that I guess. And that's just what my mom listened to. I really started getting into the 90's alternative rock stuff probably around the time when the 90's ended, around 2000.

I've never been one to listen to the radio, but I do remember when I got my very own CD/tape player and I discovered that I had the ability to record things on tape from the radio. Which I did often. In fact, just a few weeks ago, I was cleaning out the back of my car when I found an entire box full of tapes that I've collected over the years from garage sales and thrift stores, and probably my mom, and I found several tapes labeled "Radio Mix" or "Radio Mix 2" or some crap. I also found a "Dance Mix" containing various artists such as Aqua and Spice Girls, which I completely forgot I was into when I was like, 7.

Back to Toad: I miss it. And now that it's back in my life, so to speak, I dig it and am so grateful for such awesome music in my life.

Songs of the Day: "Desire" (I could only find a live mp3 file, my bad) and "Walk On the Ocean" (which you've probably heard before).

fact about myself: I have small nervous ticks (just one of the many perks that come along with the ADD) in my hands and face. It's awesome, let me tell ya. /sarcasm

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