Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ah, simple. Simple simple simple.
And now I've just been reminded of that one nursery rhyme about Simple Simon trying to buy a pie at the fair but not having any money to do so. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was trying to make, yet I just took 2 minutes of my time to grab my 37 year old Mother Goose book off of my shelf to look that up. I LOVE having A.D.D. Except not.

Anyway, simplicity. It's a grand thing. My old art teach, Mr. Clancy, used to tell us "keep it simple stupid" whenever we were thinking too hard about something. I think he threw the "stupid" part in there just so that it would spell the acronym* KISS correctly. But regardless, he had a point, and not just with art, but with life in general. Keep it simple. Don't over think.

I'm not really a shy person, but people think I am because I don't really talk a whole lot when you first meet me (usually-there are occasions where this isn't really an issue; I guess it just depends). It's not that I'm shy, but I just don't really have anything to say, though I talk if I do have something on my mind that I want to share aloud. I don't like bombarding people with words and talking just for the sake of doing so. Obviously if I'm having a conversation I'm not going to be mute, I'm going to carry on speaking, but I feel as though so many people need to have noise around them all the time.

I am completely content with awkward silence.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Own Your Own Home" by Rogue Wave
fact: I've seen Prince of Persia twice since it came out last week. And I'd easily see it again.

*I just had to type "letters standing for words" into Google because I could remember "acronym". It came up right away too. Three cheers for Google.

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