Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hope For Love

I'm an extremely caring person that goes out of my way to do special things for the people I know, and I take pride in it. I send birthday cards to people that I haven't talked to in months just because I still remember that it's their birthday and I know it will probably make them smile. I send people mixed CDs, some personalized just for that person, others I send in bulk, but still, I do it because I know people like it, and I like people. I love people.

Today at Church, my friend Sara Lee (yes, like the bread company, but without the "h") gave a talk on charity and love. She talked about different kinds of love, three different kinds to be exact. I only remember two, and they were this:
Loving someone "because..." and loving someone "even though...". I really liked thinking about the two and how they can work hand in hand, but there are differences.
I feel like I love people "even though..." for the most part. Even though they stopped trying to keep in contact after I moved out of the state. Even though we never hang out anymore. Even though you can be kind of annoying at times. I love you.

Love is kind of an intense word. I think it's thrown around a lot without much meaning, and I personally don't say it unless I truly mean it, whether it be to a friend or a family member or whatever. Love is powerful. But it's also happiness, and I hope that everybody can find some love in their own lives at some point.

I hope for love.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Cosmic Love" by Florence and the Machine

one . My favorite time to bake is in the middle of the night when everything is quite and the world is asleep.
two . One of my favorite things to look at is the sky, day or night, clouds or clear blue. It's always beautiful in some way.


  1. I really like that concept. Although it almost seems like most people would/could fall into both categories. I'm curious to know what the third type was.

    And midnight baking = mega win!

  2. That is an interesting idea, the contrast between 'because' and 'even though'. Maybe it depends on your attitude at any given point in time, whether you're annoyed with that person or whether you've just spent a great day with them.
