Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Paper Problems

I just had the best conversation on Omegle.

You: i wish.
Stranger: i must keep searching
You: let me know when you find him though, yeah?
Stranger: hell yes

The end. It made my day perfect.

Other than that, I found five Nerdfighters last night and one this afternoon on that thing. I generally ask if they go to Hogwarts, if they are looking for Margo too, or just simply say "dftba".

My day was alright besides all that. I was in bed until about 2pm because I woke up with a horrible migraine that wouldn't leave me alone. Once I was up and had taken a shower, I actually wrote a song about how much headaches suck. It was a good time.
I then proceeded to return a forgotten DVD to a redbox at Maverick's, and ended up developing prints in the darkroom upstairs at the art building. I'm glad it was open even though we didn't have school today (I still don't know why we didn't have school today; everyone else besides the college had school). I have three 5x7 prints due tomorrow that I needed to get done. Regardless, I ran out of paper after only having two of the three, one of them being too gray for my liking, but the other came out perfectly.
At least I have something to turn in.
I also have to shoot a roll of action shots within the next week. Not sure what my plan is for those pictures yet...

After cleaning up at school, I came home, ate some amazing burrito things that my mom made for dinner, and edited my vlog that I made yesterday/today. It was supposed to go up yesterday, but yeah. You can just watch it. My brothers think it's hilarious, but let me know.

I found someone to buy my electric guitar for 50 bucks. I'm doing it. I need money. I'll miss my guitar though, it was my first electric :[ I've had it for six years.
I'll live.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I bought Seven the other day. I started it but never finished. I keep turning it on every night and pausing it, then I get distracted doing something else and...one thing leads to another. Anyway, I still haven't finished it, and I would really like to, because I haven't seen it since my sophomore year of high school. I totally remember the day I watched it too.
Jenna (my cousin/best friend ever) and I borrowed it from our uncle Brandon on VHS because both my art teacher/local cage fighter and her photo teacher said it was a great movie. We told Tyler to leave because we knew it was rated R and didn't know what we were getting into.
Anyway, it was intense. Definitely not as intense as the first time I saw, say, Requiem For a Dream (which is one of those movies that you really only need to see every five years or so because, let's be honest: it was a freaking amazing film, but I don't know if I could survive the intensity and overwhelming emotion caused by it), but it was still crazy insane. And [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] Kevin Spacey makes an fantastic serial killer.

I'll end there. Later Days.

Song of the Day: "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap. Apparently it's on the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack, which I've yet to see, unfortunately.
Film of the Day: American Beauty (1999) starring Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening. He won an Academy Award for it, she was nominated but totally should have won...except that Hilary Swank won for Boys Don't Cry (also a very intense/great film), who, now that I see that, definitely deserved it more. I wrote too soon. It also won best picture, best director, best cinematography, and best writing; five total.

I just realized I wrote the words "crazy insane" towards the end there. I laughed when I saw that I thought of what my 12th grade English teacher, Captain, would have said about it. Yes, we called her Captain.

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