In Tyler's - or should I say Elder Wedemeyer's - last, and only, letter to me, he said one thing in particular that stuck in my head. Which is weird considering his letter was literally a very small paragraph, mainly telling me that he didn't have any free time at the MTC to write to me. Right.
Anyway, he said "I think you should go on a mission!" and went on to say that it is the "most powerful spiritual experience of a lifetime".
Anyway, he said "I think you should go on a mission!" and went on to say that it is the "most powerful spiritual experience of a lifetime".
I didn't really give it much thought at the time. But I have that nagging 'what if" feeling inside me lately. What if I'm supposed to go on a mission? At the same time, I almost can't see myself doing it. Almost.
I have time to think and pray on it though. When Tyler gets back from his, maybe I'll be going on mine. Who knows...
In other news, I had a great day at Church today. When I got home after it I remembered that I still had to do my photo shoot...with barely 30 minutes of light left in the day. It was stressful, but I got through most of it. I need to finish in the morning, along with develop two rolls sometime before noon tomorrow. I'm not yet sure how that will work out, but I know everything will work out for the best.
So about that college application essay...I'm still not done. I've been putting it off. I know, I know. It's due in 15 days, but I just don't know how to end the essay with a bang. Or at least end it well enough so that it measures up to the rest of the paper, because it is a well written paper, I wont lie. It's just intimidating.
18 days of school left! I can't wait to go to Ventura for Christmas. I miss it so much. And I'll get to see Jacquelynn! We haven't seen each other for a year and a half. That is absolutely insane. We just keep missing each other when we're in northern Utah or California.
That reminds me, I haven't been to SLC/Provo/Ogden for a while either. I haven't seen Bre, Shannon or Lindsey for about 6 months. Goodness gracious. I need to make plans to go up there. Maybe...New Years?? Perhaps.
I haven't written any songs for a few days...I should get on that. I'm trying to have 10 by the beginning of 2010 (wooowwwwwm reallly?? Time is flying by like crazy!) so that I can record as soon as I get some adequate recording equipment.
I still need a new job.
Okay, I'm done. Later days.
Song of the day: "American Pie" by Don McLean. I know every word of this eight and a half minute song. Such a great contribution to music.
Film of the Day: Angels and Demons (2009). I'm watching it right now as I type this. It's really interesting. I've been meaning to read it since I was 14, but it never ended up happening. I figured the movie would be pretty close though, considering Da Vinci Code was very similar to the novel. Which I have read.
Film of the Day: Angels and Demons (2009). I'm watching it right now as I type this. It's really interesting. I've been meaning to read it since I was 14, but it never ended up happening. I figured the movie would be pretty close though, considering Da Vinci Code was very similar to the novel. Which I have read.
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