I usually blog on wordpress, but I figured I could give this a chance. We'll see how it goes.
I'm just going to copy my last blog from http://kesharab.wordpress.com/ for my first post on this blog.
I got a letter back from Tyler the other day. It was about a paragraph long telling me that he was having a blast, but that he was busy and he’d write again soon when he had more time. I don’t even know why it took a paragraph to write that, most of it was just fluff; filler words.Regardless, it was nice to hear from him.
I didn’t get my essay for my application done quite yet. I actually completely forgot about my Saturday deadline I’d set for myself, was going to finish it today, but I’ve had the weirdest head ache going on since I woke up this…afternoon. Yeah. I know. Anyway, I woke up with a semi-migraine, got it down to a good, ol’ fashion head ache, but now it’s worked its way back up to where it started at. Not the best day.
Yesterday on the other hand was good. I spent most of the day in the art building at Dixie glazing pots and developing prints in the darkroom. While I was glazing, I got complemented on my trimming skills. Definite self-esteem booster, especially since it came from someone who’s won nationals with his pottery. I glazed 4 cups and a bowl, but I still have 2 cups somewhere on the “already bisked” shelf that I couldn’t find anywhere. And I have 4 more cups that I’ll be trimming tomorrow and glazing at some point this week. I have about two and a half more weeks to make 4 more cups with handles, and then I’m done with all of my required assignments.I spent more time in the darkroom up stairs. A couple of hours. I made a really crappy contact sheet for my portrait shoot roll, and spent most of my time making wallet sized prints of Tyler that I took of him the day before he left for his mission to Honduras, so as to give them to the family as Christmas gifts, along with the million and a half pots that I have to give away. While looking through the negatives, I really only found this one picture that I absolutely love. He’s such a great person to take pictures of. I miss him.
Song of the day: “Whisper” by A Fine Frenzy
Film of the Day: Seven (1995). I bought it at Target today for 5 bucks. “Good freaking deal”, I thought.
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