One. I finally figured out who sings that "Soul Sister" song, though I'm extremely surprised that I didn't know already. It's Train, by the way.
Two. Whilst finishing my self serve frozen yogurt at Krave, the owner threw me and my brother each a free Krave t-shirt because we go there so much. I'm actually not completely sure if this is a good thing, but I dig the shirt. And then I thought it was funny when my mom was irritated that she didn't get one.
Three. I sold my electric guitar. This, also, is borderline on the fantastic scale. Seeing as it was my first electric guitar, it was tough to let go. But on the upside I made some money.
Four. I learned how to play "The Chain" by Ingrid Michaelson on my acoustic guitar. Though it is true, the song is supposed to be played on piano, as it is on the album, but it sounds pretty down on the guitar, too.
Finally, today was great because I just felt happy all day long.
I was able to get out of bed before 11 am this morning. Barely. considering that my usual wake up call is never 11 am, I see this as great improvement.
I proceeded to get ready for the day, and by that I mean putting on my Weber State sweats, an old field hockey sweatshirt, and my dirty mustard yellow Vans. By the way, I really want some new Vans, but I literally am forcing myself to not buy anything so that I can save up for some recording and mixing stuff so that I can tackle an album next year. [Dream big.]
I went over to Spoon Me, my favorite studying spot in this entire town, and studied for my French test and consumed a delicious smoothie. I then took my French test an hour later, and I'm almost certain that I got at least...a D on it. It was an absolutely horrific experience; I'd rather not talk about it.
I would like to mention that, when leaving Spoon Me, I drove past the theatre, and there were already lines for New Moon. As in the New Moon that starts in two hours. There were lines for it at noon.
Goooooooo UTAH.
I'm more stoked on the fact that HP7 part one is coming out in a year than I am for New Moon to come out at midnight in two hours.
I'm tired.
I'm going to go finish Seven (yeah, I still haven't finished it) and then go to bed.
Later Days.
PS -
Update on the mystery college application essay:
I still need to finish it. I'm almost done, I just have to tie up a few loose ends, let my grandpa read it (he taught 12th grade English for 30 something years), and maybe revise it a little. Then I will submit it.
Once I do so, I'll let know know where I actually applied to :)
Song of the day: "Boys With Girlfriends" by Meiko
Film of the Day: Fight Club (1999), seeing as it came out 10 years ago. We should all go watch/re-live its ultimate magnificence. In Tyler We Trust.
I just realized I am watching Seven, which also stars Brad Pitt, and is also directed by David Fincher, one of my favorite directors.
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