I'm writing down vlog ideas.
It's going...slowly.
I had a good Thanksgiving. Good food, good people, etc.
I'm thankful for everything. Can I say that? I hope so. Anyway, I just did. I am literally thankful for all that I have been given in my life. Everything: the blessings, the trials, the successes, the mistakes, the good people, the not-so-good people...everything. I don't generally hear people say that, so I thought I'd start a new trend. Perhaps it will catch on eventually.
It's kind of annoying that I didn't have any money today in order to go shopping on Black Friday. Oh welllll. I got a lot of stuff done. Mainly ceramics stuff.
OH. Side note off of that:
I trimmed 10 pieces today, and I trimmed them well (as usual; I'm a huge perfectionist when it comes to art). When I was done trimming I took the pieces into the back room to set on the shelf in order to be bisked.
And then I knocked my three favorites onto the ground by brushing into them with my pants.
So because I broke my favorite things, I was a bit upset, but I tried getting over it because, I mean, come on, it happens; I can't get emotionally attached to my work when it involves pots. But it still freaking sucked. After this incident, I tried to throw some more cups that were just as awesome as the ones I broke, but it didn't end up happening. I literally threw for two hours with only three crappy excuses for cups to show for it.
It was a bad day for ceramics.
I have a new subscriber on my channel. It's Kenny :)
I never really got to know him super well, but we used to talk on AIM all the time. He's a cool guy, I hope I can get to know him better at some point.
I really need a job. Ughh. Maybe I'll give pizza factory a go. That would be an amazing job. Except that I'd get paid badly besides my tips. Utah wage laws are completely ridiculous.
Manchester United had a good game today, just in case you were wondering. I quite enjoyed watching it.
Utah vs. BYU game is tomorrow! GOOOO UTES!
Later days.
Song of the Day: anything by Beastie Boys. I personally love "Sure Shot" and "Pass the Mic".
Film of the Day: Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). It's out!! Go see it!!! I still need to as well, but what ever. Anyway, Wes Anderson is a genius. Amen.
Film of the Day: Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). It's out!! Go see it!!! I still need to as well, but what ever. Anyway, Wes Anderson is a genius. Amen.
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