My day was weird. Not in the sense that there were weird events that took place, but it just feels weird in retrospect.
I went to work at 7. School at 10:30.
Today was pay day, so, naturally, I went to the mall and bought two shirts, a hat, and a beanie. Whilst meandering the racks of hats at Zumiez (or whatever the hell it is), the girl that worked there started up conversation, and just straight up skipped the small talk, which was nice. We found out that we're actually both English majors but have never seen each other before. she's only got a semester to go, but still. It was nice to meet someone that I actually have something in common with. We also talked about Kate Chopin and how my Women's Lit. teacher is good, but hard (that's [kind of] what she said).
I haven't read the Chopin novel that I was supposed to read this week yet. It's just so...BORING.
In other news, I rode my bike about a mile [somewhat] uphill to my powder puff football practice today and just about died because I'm so out of shape. But I'm workin'
on it! I'm starting to walk to school at least 3 times a week and riding my bike once and a while too. ALSO, eating better. Which I'm doing. Which leads me to my next topic: Passion tea. So good. That is all.
Now I'm exhausted and trying to decide whether or not to read some sparknotes on The Awakening tonight. Probably not.
Oh, and I cut my hair.

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