Monday, September 20, 2010

Excessive Use of ALL CAPS

Oh, dear goodness, I have not written anything for a good while.

Basically, my life at the moment consists of work and school and trying to do my homework but not actually doing it, but somehow still getting it done right before class starts. It's a complicated process; takes years to learn, decades to perfect.
Anyway, I never wanted to be one of those people who's life seems completely out of control and busy, but that's definitely me at the moment. Perhaps not totally out of control, but it's intense. I haven't had much time to do music stuff lately, which is a bummer since I'm planning on releasing a demp EP album for Foundation of Fair Fortune in November for Wrockstock. I'm expecting that things will just work out for the best and I'll get it done on time, but who knows.

Let's break things down a little:
School consists of me taking too many credits: History, Women's Lit, Grammar, Comm. Design, Intermediate Ceramics, and Human Development. TOO MANY I TELL YOU. Next semester this will not be happening.
I have a lot of reading to do that I often don't get done on time to talk about it in class. But I try to get it done after, all the same. Also, I have two library books that are like, a week past due. Just remembered. Bugger.

Work happens every day. Some nights I serve, some nights I cook, and at least twice a week I work in the morning before classes. Which sucks considering how hard it is for me to wake up in general, let alone in the morning before 7 am.

During my free time, if I get any, I listen to music, which has lately been a lot of The Midnight Beast and Mumford & Sons. And the new Ingrid Michaelson single. I also read. Slowly but surely. (I swear, I've never met anyone who reads slower than I do)

Plans for the future??
Northern Utah next weekend. So excited. I'll be seeing people that I haven't seen for over a year. And possibly playing a little acoustic set for some friends at a party on Saturday. Good times.

BTW, I turned 20 last week. nbd. Seriously, not a big deal. At all. I thought there would be some sort of psychological thing that would happen, and I'd freak out because I'm not a teenager anymore (because I'm constantly nostalgic for my high school days and don't like change that has some sort of significance like turning 20). BUT NOTHING HAPPENED. Not yet anyway.

Okay I'm done.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Booty Call" by The Midnight Beast (it's now available on itunes worldwideeeee)

I'm moving out of my parent's house (Again. I've already done this for my freshman year of college but then I came back.) in about 3 weeks. I'm staying in the same town, but about 5 miles or so north of where I am now. ALSO, I know pretty much all the words to at least 4 of The Midnight Beast's songs. In case you were wondering. Also, AGAIN, I got a new tattoo. It says "I go to seek a Great Perhaps" in a type writer-esque typeface. I love it. My mom...not so much.

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