Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Apologies.

Now hear this: I had my first day of work today as a dishwasher in a restaurant and about an hour into it I literally thought, "Oh crap, I'm not going to be home in time to blog for today!"

True freaking story.

I got done with closing at about 12:38 this morning. I can say with extreme confidence that it was possibly the worst 7 hours and 38 minutes of my year so far. It was all just a jumbled mess of hot water, dirty dishes, and standing on my feet constantly. I got a break, but still. No fun. No fun at all.
On the plus side, they play good music in the kitchen, pretty much everyone that works there is awesome, and I get to practice Spanish whenever I work with Maria, the super kind, hilarious little Mexican lady who is also a dishwasher.

I'll try and blog again later today to make up for the lost post, but these next few weeks are going to be very busy now that I've got a legitimate job and school is coming to an end.
Speak of, I wrote a song about summer yesterday that I absolutely love, so I might record it if I have time tomorrow (and by tomorrow I mean today). Which I probably won't because I have to put 25 pounds of clay to good use before Tuesday, and tomorrow is the only free day I have to do it.

Ugh. I'm tired.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Don't Fall Softly" by Filthy Dukes

one . I've had a birthday party every single year since I turned one, up until I turned eighteen, thus making my eighteenth and nineteenth birthdays absolute crap.
two . One of my life goals, for as long as I can remember, has been to play soccer (or football) barefoot with little kids in the streets of a foreign country. I have played barefoot in a foreign country, but it was with my fellow marching band friends and we were on the grass at our hotel in Spain.

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