I'll share my favorites and the weirdest/most crazy ones I've ever seen.
Keep in mind, it's all my opinion, and when I watch a movie I take into account just about everything from the acting to the cinematography to the set design to the overall feeling the movie gives me.
The Weirdest/Most Crazy:
Naked Lunch (1991)
I'm pretty sure this entire film wasn't supposed to actually make sense in the first place, but I just felt like I was on drugs the entire time I was watching it because I had no idea what was going on the whole time but I was caught in a sort of trance and kept watching. If you're one of those people who is up for anything when you see a movie: go for it, just to say you did. If not...well...watch at your own risk, I s'pose.
Funny Games [U.S] (2009)
Apparently this was originally made in Spain in 1997, and why they remade it is beyond me. It's basically a torture movie that screws with your mind with really great actors.
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)
I also felt like I was high while watching this, but for good reason. It's definitely a cult classic, and very interesting to watch, but again, if you're not one of those people who are up for anything, it's probably not for you.
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Though I love this movie with all my heart...I'm not sure why. It's quite odd, but I think that's what makes it so great. And the soundtrack is fabulous.
Nobel Son (2007)
Just...weird. The story was kind of cool, but the characters creeped me out, which makes sense considering they were psychopaths, but still. It just seemed like it was going to be a lot better before I watched it, and I ended up disappointed.
The Favorites:
City of God, or Cidade de Deus (2002)
This movie, along with Y Tu Mama Tambien, sparked my love for foreign films. They go all out, hold nothing back. It's so much more...real, I guess, than a lot of movies that are made in the US are. This film touches your heart in so many ways, and breaks it in so many more. The fact that it's based on a true story just kind of blows my mind a little bit.
The Virgin Suicides (1999)
Probably one of the more depressing movies I've ever seen, but it somehow still leaves me with a feeling of purpose or something after I watch it each and every time. It's thought provoking and stays in your head for hours after it's finished. I love movies like this.
Fight Club (1999)
If you haven't seen this film, you're either not aloud to see R rated movies, or you just haven't really lived yet. No, but really, Ed Norton and Brad Pitt are amazing in this movie. I actually have never read the book, which I know I need to asap. But really...everyone should see this at least once before they decide whether they like it or not.
Adventureland (2009)

I think I like this movie so much because the story seems so real to me. It reminds me of actual people and actual situations that I've seen before. I like the humor in it, not too much like Superbad, but just enough to keep it moving. And I really thought the acting was great by most everyone in the cast; I'm a huge Jesse Eisenburg fangirl for some reason.
Zombieland (2009)
funny + good cast + well written + zombies = awesome
Self explanatory.
But really, it's pretty cool. I'd give it a go if I were you.
The Breakfast Club (1985)
I know this is completely cliché, but it's true. This is such a great movie. John Hughes at his greatest.
October Sky (1999)
I could watch this movie over and over and over and over and not get tired of it. It just brightens my soul or something. I love it.
There are so many other movies that I love with all my heart. So, so many.
Later days.
Song of the Day: "Bird On A Wire" by Rogue Wave
Film of the Day: Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)
oh, facts:
one . I haven't seen my real dad for about 10 years, and it was when I ran into him at a liquor store when buying gum at age 9.
two . I'm okay with the above fact. I feel like there are a lot of people who are upset about the fact that their parents didn't care enough about them, but I am truly, 100 percent, perfectly fine with it. I don't need to know someone that couldn't deal with living his life and taking responsibility for his actions, whether it's the way he wanted it to go or not.
three . I did indeed buy a Toy Story poster today.
I've seen three of those movies... The Breakfast Club, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Adventureland. I haven't even heard of most of the others, although I'm well aware that I need to watch Fight Club at some point.
ReplyDeleteThe word for rock science is geology. It's possible that there aren't many geologists in the part of the US that you live in. Commercial geologists are responsible for finding the world's oil, gas and mineral reserves, which are generally stored in rocks, although I think I'd rather go into research than industry.
Oh Rocky Horror. Haha. I saw the live musical version of it at my school for my first Rocky Horror experience ever, so I haven't even seen the movie yet.
ReplyDeleteZomieland pleasantly surprised me! My expectations were rather low, but it ended up being a great (even rather touching!) storyline.
I need to watch Fight Club, and hmm Adventureland. I'll have to check this out. Even though I'm not a huge Kristen Stewart fan.