Side note.
Photo explanation:
I miss Weber State Theatre Department. This is a picture from the Peter Pan musical last Spring. It was one of the most successful shows at WSU, and I'm so glad that I was able to be involved in it. And also, I sat/hid back by that latter for the entirety of act II in order to hand off props to Hook and Peter. That whole set piece was on a revolving pole that I had to stick through the set and attach to the ground on the stage; it was turned around while I hid on it, that is why you can't see my in this picture.
So much fun.
I'm going to Ventura on Wednesday. The one thing I'm looking forward to the most is seeing Jacquelynn, actually. Not physically being able to hang out with her for a year has been weird. Especially after having lived the last 4 years of my life seeing her almost every single day.
I'm actually just stoked on the whole idea of going to Ventura. When I was there last I didn't get to see my Foothill friends because they were all at their random schools all over the country.
I really hope we can do another LA adventure day. That was so incredibly fun when we did it in July.
Geeze...July feels like it happened yesterday. July was Roscoe's. July was Diddy Riese and Santa Monica. July was dodgeball and colored headbands.
Freak. Time passes so much faster than we realize. It's almost scary.
My ears just popped. Thought I'd share that with the world. It's kind of a big deal since they've needed to do that for about 2 weeks now.
Project for Awesome went so well! This was my first year participating, but it was so fun! I really enjoyed myself, and I even donated a little of what I could to feedingamerica.org. It was kind of an eye opening experience. I loved it.
But now I'm so tired haha...I'm taking a day off from YouTube.
I've decided to do a cover of "Po' Lazarus" from the O Brother Where Art Thou? soundtrack. It's very simple, but I like it a lot because I get to kind of play around with my voice and sound very bluesy. Yay :]] Going back to my roots, as Alex Castillo would say.
I'll filmit soon and put it on the Tubes.
And here is where I end.
Later days.
Song of the Day: "Help I'm Alive" by Metric
Film of the Day: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007). Such a great film for both Brad and Casey.
Apparently I'm on a first name basis with actors now.
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