I can't stop coughing. My nasty tasting cough medicine isn't working either.
AND MY FREAKING KEYBOARD DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ACTUALLY TYPING THE LETTERS I PUT MY FINGERS ON. I have to keep going back through the words I've already written and fix them because half of the letters aren't even there.
I swear, my computer is whiggin' out, and I've barely had it a year! Is this my punishment for getting a PC? Yes. Yes, it is.
In other news, I only have two finals left for this semester. Nutrition and French. In other words, the ones I actually have to study for. But will I actually study for them? Probably not. In fact, my French exam is in 11 hours and I haven't touched my text book for that class since last Wednesday.
Honestly though, I don't really remember the last time I did study for a big test. I know it's not the best habit, like, at all, but I just don't study a lot.
I am so excited for this. I've already finished my video.
If you don't know what P4A is, click on the hyperlink you just read past. Twice.
In one week from today (Wednesday the 23rd) my family and I will be truckin' across the Nevada desert to Ventura, California. SO EXCITED. I'm planning on hanging out with Jenna (my cousin) for most of the time there since I wont have a car and she definitely owes me for all the times I used to drive her around before she had her license and I wasn't even aloud to drive her yet.
Well, hello, run on sentence, I didn't see you there until just now. Nice to have you here.
Anyway, this should be an interesting Christmas. Kirstin and Ma'aafu and Ofa won't be there (Tongan names, just in case you were way confused just then) because they can't afford the tip from Hawaii :/. I have no idea if my uncle Dallan will be there...I haven't seen him for about 2 years. And of course, Tyler will be in Provo on Christmas day, to then leave for Honduras on the...28th? I think.
It's always nice to be with family for Christmas though, despite the members that may be missing.
Here's something that's been on my mind lately: PUNK IS DEAD. I hate to say it, but it's sooo true. I mean, yes, there are a few bands out there that are kind of in the underground music scene (Killola, for example) that definitely have a punk flair in their music, but truly, there are no mainstream bands that are actually punk. And Green Day is not punk, freaking idiots. They may have once been so, back in like, oh, the 90s, but no longer. Sorry. I'm talking about The Missing 23rd, The Clash, Tipper's Gore, Dead Kennedys, and Circle Jerks. Punk is one of the best lyrically based genres of music, in my opinion. Plus it's so freaking fun to dance/mosh to.
I miss going to shows at The Underground and moshing to local punk. Good times.
And later days.
Song of the Day: "Hate and War" by The Clash
Film of the Day: I actually haven't watched a lot of movies lately, which is really weird for me. How about Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937), the first full length animated feature in the history of film making? Okay then.
Speaking of movies, the one's I need to see in theatres VERY soon are Invictus, Brothers, The Blind Side, and Up In The Air. And I wish I could have seen An Education, A Single Man, A Serious Man, and The Hurt Locker, but nothing awesome and/or lower budget and/or independently produced and/or mildly controversial ever plays in southern Utah.
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