This is a movie post. If you've followed me on the internet on any sort of various social network, you will know that a huge passion of mine is film and television. I get really into things that most people don't think really matter, including actors, movies, dates of movies releases, directors, shows and their actors, and I'm good at connecting actors to movies and other actors and/or directors. I find this stuff fascinating. So. There's that.
Hanna was fantastic. I give it a 7/7 rating (on my obviously highly thought of scale). The action was mesmerizing, the acting just as good, the music was creepy in the way that it should have been. It was just altogether good filmmaking.
Being a big Saoirse Ronan fan ever since Atonement, I was eager to see this movie as soon as I heard about it a few months back. She was good enough to earn herself an Oscar nom for that film, and I would not be surprised if she gets another for Hanna, it being well deserved.
I'm going to digress for just a second and tell you this isn't a review, just in case you were wondering. I'm literally just expressing my love of the movie I just watched no more than 20 minutes ago.
I'm a huge Kate Blanchet fan as well, and seeing her in this type of role was interesting. She makes an awfully good villain.
Basically, if you like a good action/thriller/suspense film, go see Hanna. It's packed full of awesome, plus some.
On a completely different note, I made a playlist a few weeks ago for a friend to do homework to, and I've decided to share it with you guys. Click the link to download. Enjoy, and later days.