Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Back! Kind of.

I haven't written here for months, so if you don't keep up with my life on other various social networks, which I don't expect you to, you should know that I'm in New Zealand at the moment. Well. A lot of moments, I suppose. I'll be here until May 2012, and I've been here since June of this year.

Basically, it's cold and green here. People are friendly. They are also fond of the drink. That would be alcohol. Being situated in a university area, I easily see a good amount of drunk young folk about the town on a weekend night. I digress.

I'm happy here! I'm nannying, which can be frustrating beyond belief, but overall the experience here is rewarding. I miss school, but I wasn't prepared to continue spending money on an education when I didn't know where I wanted to be headed. Nor was it my money.

I like it here, but I would love to be home, too. I miss it. I have six months to go, and I'll make it, but it'll be tough. I know I'm strong enough to get through it, though.

I've missed blogging. I'll try to keep it up over here, but I also write here once and a while for friends and family to read about what I'm up to.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Apologies.

I failed horribly at BEDA. I'm just not the blogger I used to be. I have nothing to motivate me.
I was thinking just yesterday how involved I was in the internet community just a year ago. More specifically, YouTube. Now, I don't even watch vlogbrothers anymore. I only watch disneykid1 and communitychannel. Random. I barely even post my own videos/music anymore. To be honest, I've just lost myself. I feel as though I should be worried, but I'm not. I literally have no plans on what I want to do with myself, or with my life, but I am indifferent at this point. It could be because I am listening to Fleet Foxes and am entranced and don't care about anything right now. Maybe.

I don't feel that I have a purpose. Not right now, anyway.
Though I do have some news. It's not set in stone quite yet, but I might be moving out of the country for the next year to nanny. If I like it enough after the year, I might just continue nannying for a while while I figure out what school I am going to go to eventually. Utah State has crossed my mind. But so have some of the Art Institutes on the east coast. For film. It's my dream, and though not completely ideal...still obtainable. I don't like being told I can't do something I want to do. I want to do so much. Oh, so much.

I've also thought about pursuing music. But not the same acoustic stuff I've always done. I like making beats and loops, so I may turn out something with that. Or not. I don't know. I don;t know when I will know. Not now.

This is too long. Later days.

Song of the day: "Blue Ridge Mountains" by Fleet Foxes

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My roommates want me to record some music for them before we all move on the 30th.
I mean. I've got like 4 demos done already so I guess..they'll get demos.

I feel like I don't need to point out the fact that I've fail terribly at BEDA. I used to enjoy blogging, but if I don't ever get feedback I don't really feel the need to carry on more often than naught. Not. I don't even care.

I'm in a super pessimistic mood right now. WEIRD. Considering I'm quite a happy camper.

In other news, the Song of the Day is by Wretch 32.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I just woke up to two screaming children at my front door. Well, not my front door but my neighbor’s. They had to be like…idk, 3 and 4 years old. Apparently they got dropped off at their babysitter’s, my neighbor’s, and they’re dad had already left, but my neighbor wasn’t answering the door because the kids got dropped off early and they were still asleep. I probably only heard them because I live in the loft, not an actually room, so I don’t really have a sound barrier from the front door.

My point is, if you have kids who are 3 and/or 4 years old, CALL THE BABYSITTER EARLY. OR AT LEAST WALK THEM TO THE DOOR IDIOT. My goodness. Those poor little guys were terrified, and when I open my door they were on there way out to the street to go looking for someone.

Anyway, now I’m wide away and it’s only 6:30 am. I seriously just went to bed 3 hours ago. I’m tired.
And I just discovered one my roommates is probably eating my Clif bars from the pantry, considering their swift disappearance.

Song of the Day: Back to December by T. Swift. I've been listening to this album (but mainly this song) a lot the last few days.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Newspapers: Dead? Packing Material? Art Medium.

Two days ago I stared this little art project that I'm hoping to expand on in the near future. Lucky for me, my school gives out free copies of The New York Times in almost every building on campus on a day bay, so I like to pick them up once and a while. Well, apparently I had been unintentionally hoarding a few of them in a pile in my room, back when everything in Egypt first started to erupt.

I bought some 8" x 10" canvases and I'm starting to collage each issue onto one canvas. I've got one done completely, and I'm working on the second one. Each one will have the NYT title visible, along with the date and issue. There are pictures along with some headlines that I cut out throughout all the sections of each issue. The pictures are either visually appealing, or just important, or both.

This is just from an issue from this last week, but I love it.
What do you think?

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm So Tired

I worked about 11 hours today. I opened this morning at 7 am, and just left the restaurant after 11pm, and I wasn't even a closer. I'm just slow at rolling my silverware.

In other news, I've been watching random episodes of the latest season of Degrassi, and I'm not exactly enjoying it, but for some reason I just can't stop watching.

I missed a post yesterday. I just realized that. My bad.

I feel like I owe you guys a short short story. This week. Most definitely. I just have to finish one of the ones I've been workin' on.

Until then...
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Singin' In the Rain". So good. Probs my favorite musical via the big screen. I can watch it over and over and never tire of it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sorry guys, I just got home from mud wrestling/football, and now I have to get to work for the rest of the day.
So. This is a blog post.

Now go listen to some Camera Obscura.

Later days.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is a movie post. If you've followed me on the internet on any sort of various social network, you will know that a huge passion of mine is film and television. I get really into things that most people don't think really matter, including actors, movies, dates of movies releases, directors, shows and their actors, and I'm good at connecting actors to movies and other actors and/or directors. I find this stuff fascinating. So. There's that.

Hanna was fantastic. I give it a 7/7 rating (on my obviously highly thought of scale). The action was mesmerizing, the acting just as good, the music was creepy in the way that it should have been. It was just altogether good filmmaking.

Being a big Saoirse Ronan fan ever since Atonement, I was eager to see this movie as soon as I heard about it a few months back. She was good enough to earn herself an Oscar nom for that film, and I would not be surprised if she gets another for Hanna, it being well deserved.

I'm going to digress for just a second and tell you this isn't a review, just in case you were wondering. I'm literally just expressing my love of the movie I just watched no more than 20 minutes ago.

I'm a huge Kate Blanchet fan as well, and seeing her in this type of role was interesting. She makes an awfully good villain.

Basically, if you like a good action/thriller/suspense film, go see Hanna. It's packed full of awesome, plus some.

On a completely different note, I made a playlist a few weeks ago for a friend to do homework to, and I've decided to share it with you guys. Click the link to download.
Enjoy, and later days.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Childish Gambino

I have been listening to the sweet rhymes of Donald Glover for about two weeks now and I just can't stop.
But that's completely irrelevant.

What is relevant?

The huge ass pot my ceramics teacher threw in class today.

And then he made another one in like, twenty minutes.


So basically I spent about 6 hours in the studio today and made about 3 things worth keeping.

Also. My hair is already getting longer, so all is well with the world.
Which is actually a total lie, considering Japan had another earthquake.

Shit, the world's ending, guys.
JK. I hope not, anyway.

Mmk, I need to go catch up on this season of Lie To Me. Tim Roth ftw.
Later days.

Album of the Day: the latest Childish Gambino EP (click to download) and be warned, it defs needs a parental advisory label. but it's still good if you don't care about that. IF YOU DO CARE go listen to some Vampire Weekend. That's always nice.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Of Course I Did.

I forgot to write yesterday. My apologies.
In other news, my family has been in town and is leaving tomorrow. I'm kind of bummed, but at the same time glad I got to see them.
Other than that, I have been working on music. My roommates have told me that they want a CD of my music before we all move for the summer, which is at the end of this month, so I've been trying to get a head start of recording some songs for them. They are by no means high quality recordings, considering I don't really know how to edit/produce music very well yet. At least not as well as I'd like to be able to in the future.

So. That said, I will be electronically releasing a demo album in the near future, most likely mid-summer time. Along with that, if you're into wizard rock, I'm hoping to release a full length album at some point before the year ends. Sooner than later, I think.

While we're on the topic of HP, no, I wont be going to Leaky Con, no, I'm probs not going to Wrockstock 5 either. MONEY YOU GUYS. IT'S HOLDING ME BACK. Also, I'm pretty sure I'll be moving to another state in August, so travel during the rest of the year seems pretty much out of the question.

And I do believe I have reached my limit for today.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Generator ^ First Floor" by Freelance Whales

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Give Your Love Away With Me

Today I thought a lot about what I would pack if I wanted to go away indefinitely. Like clothing wise. Not that I'm thinking about going away indefinitely. But sometimes I'd like to, and sometimes it doesn't sound all that absurd.

Just the thought of being somewhere different, somewhere new, even if for just a few days, sounds incredible. I would really like to just run away sometime for a week and fend for myself somehow for that amount of time, wherever I may be. Perhaps that will be my goal for 2012, instead of reading books or watching movies. I could just...go places. And write about it. Or not write about it. Which ever.

Sometimes I think it might be lonely, if I did go on adventures like that. But then I remember that I'm the sort of person who enjoys going to movies alone and spending my afternoons reading in the courtyard outside the library downtown. Not that I don't enjoy the company of people, just not a lot of people understand me very well, I think. So I do believe this kind of traveling would be something I need to do alone.

Where would you want to go for one week? Anywhere in the U.S., with 300 dollars in your pocket, not including the money it took you to get there. Where would you go??

It's fun to think about. Let me know in a comment.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Wait For Me" by Allison Weiss

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Goodness gracious. The very first day of Blog Every Day in April and I forgot to blog.

SO. This is my introductory post. My post introductory post, rather, considering the circumstances. Anyway, I like to write, and sometimes I'm funny, sometimes I'm serious, sometimes I try to be funny and I'm not. Those are basically the three categories I can layout for you at this point. Assuming you continue to read this on a day bay. Daily basis. Kind of like reg bay, but not (regular basis). Keeping that in mind, I have decided to keep my posts somewhat not lengthly, as they can get at times.

Also, I will probably try and cut them up into a lot of unnecessary paragraphs so as to read them more easily.

It helps me to read blogs when all the words aren't jumbled together in this big long bulky thing going down the page. It's my own personal bit of Margo-ness, as opposed to the Capitalization of Letters That don't need to Be upper-Case.

This is already getting too long. I do hope you continue to read my blog though, even if not on a day bay. I will, in fact, make a some-what big effort to keep up the writing. I might even write a few short short stories for you. Those are like short stories. But. Well. Shorter.

Later days.

Song of the Day: "Plane Crash In C" by Rilo Kiley

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm doing Blog Every Day in April.

Band of the Day: Childish Gambino

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Are These Pictures Worth?: A Rant About the Goings On In Egypt

I'm not going to pretend I know everything about what is going on in Egypt right now, because I do not. I am, however, slowly but surely making my best effort to educate myself on the matter, as I am very interested in the history that is being made on the other side of the world. Regardless, it is still a world that I live in, andI feel like I need to learn about the everything in it that I can, including the people.

Human beings populate this planet. Over six billion of them. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I tell myself that, but it always seems to surprise me. Six billion. Such a huge, vast, overwhelming number. If you know me or know a bit about me, you will know that I love people with all my heart. Although they never cease to confuse and frustrate me, I love them, as a whole, not necessarily individuals. I am constantly being amazed by people in a variety of ways; positive and negative.

At this time in Egypt, we are all given this great example of conflict between opposing sides and ideas. In my opinion, which is in no way professional in any way, I do not believe that there will ever be such a thing as world peace, and I don't think there was ever meant to be such a thing, as much as I hate to think it. The way I see it, we were all put on this earth to live our lives however the hell we feel like living them. We choose, we decide, we live. But we live together.

Seeing as there are six billion humans living all of their own lives together, there will always be conflict of some sort. I live in a house of five people and even that can bring tention in its own way. Don't you all remember school? Classrooms? (assuming you weren't home schooled, and if you were...then my apologies. Not for being home schooled but for being left out of this example.) How many of us have been witness to fights in the hallways or at the bus stops in high school because "so-and-so's ex was hanging out with so-and-so's bff's brother in law". Drama. I don't enjoy it unless it involves the teenagers of New York's Upper East Side and is shown to me via the CW on television. My roommates have recently classified me as someone who doesn't like conflict. Which is true, I do not like it one bit. But I solve it the best that I can. I don't like to avoid it, nor do I like to let people "argue it out" or what ever. If there is a problem on the horizon then I want to get involved in it and fix it to the best of my ability, and perhaps it will take some time. As much as I would like to insta-solve everything, I know that some things take time and steps to improve.

As for Egypt and everything that is happening with it's government and citizens and protestors and military and It is overwhelming, but understandable, though in no way does that justify all that is happening there. The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" does not always apply. I have been picking up copies of the New York Times, complements of Dixie State College, and today's issue has a photo on it that leaves me speechless. As I turned to page A10 to continue my reading, I came across more images that just left me thinking. Does it count if the words are being said inside my head? Regardless, I didn't have anything to say.
What does one say to all the violence and fighting? Stop?

There is a comment in the article from a man that says it is going to take steps to resolve the problems in Egypt, that it will take time. I couldn't agree more. Fights begin and battles come to an end, but it does not happen over night. Well. Sometimes it does, but as far as I know, it hasn't happened enough throughout history that we can expect that sort of outcome in this case. I like to focus on the good things in life, which is usually things like music and friends and family, personally. It's hard for me to see good things in the world when such bad things happen all over the world so often. But I try. I love all six billion people on this planet, as hard as it is to try and wrap my head around that number. I love people with all my heart, and I hope that things can get better soon. But hope is all I have at this point. I think it might be just enough.

Song of the Day: "Generator ^ Second Floor" by Freelance Whales

Friday, January 21, 2011

They Will Run (Hand In Hand) lyrics

I thought I would be clever and do the whole perentheses thing with this song. I never got why that was done. But I works, I guess.

hand in hand they'll watch the world before us

and they'll watch it grow too much

hand in hand they'll watch the world before they're eyes

and grow old

old and wise

and they'll run through the streets

wishing on worldly things

and they'll run through the world

hand in hand

and they'll run through the streets

wishing on worldly things

and they'll run through the world

hand in hand

hand in hand they'll watch the world before us

and they'll run through the streets

hand in hand

and they'll run through the streets

hand in hand

and they'll run through the streets

hand in hand

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Year or whatever.

Nothing is different yet, so...yeah. I'll definitely update you when things change.

I'm only applying to one art school for the fall, I've decided.

Also, it's cold. And I have a new Mac. And now I have no money. But that's all right.
I'm still working all the time, but I have 4 classes now as well. Advanced ceramics, screen printing, experimental media, intro to comm. design (again). Basically all design and art classes. I love it so far, but it'll be a lot of work. A lot of projects. And I'm trying to draw a lot more, just little things. I'm trying to draw about one thing every 1-3 days. I need to broaden my portfolio, but also just practice. Oh, and I've decided to be a tattoo artist, so if I don't get into art school right away I do in fact have alternative plans. Though I do plan on getting my BFA in drawing and/or painting eventually. And I would love to teach someday, but I think I'll probably be okay if it doesn't happen.

Song of the Day: "Giants" by Now, Now (formerly Now, Now Every Children)
On that note, you should really head over to No Sleep Records and check out some Now, Now stuff, especially their new(ish) EP. It's swell.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm feeling poetic.

Oh, Beautiful Dreamer

And looking up towards the sky he wondered
When was the right time to dream?
When was the time to scream out
And ask the heavens why,
Why dreams are insanity waiting to be noticed,
Why do our minds wander daily, nightly, every time that is most inconvenient.
Why do we dream? he wondered.

And looking up into the depths of the white fluffy clouds he smiled,
Not for himself, but for the world,
For the world is beautiful
Yet the world knows not the beauty of itself.
Oh, but dreams are beautiful
Dreams are wonderful, wonderful.
He smiles at the beauty of dreams.

Oh, but to dream;
What a wonderful thing,
What a beautiful thing it is
To be a human being.

by Keshara Bjorkman

Song of the Day: "Hello, I'm In Delaware" by City and Colour