Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School Is Near, Thank Goodness.

I've been trying to branch out with my reading. I typically don't read anything but young adult fiction, and I've yet to find many books outside of that genre to convince me otherwise. I enjoyed Rum Diaries by Hunter S. Thomson, but other than that...nothing. So if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, I'd really like to read about more than just angsty teens for the rest of my life*.

I've been patiently waiting for school to start and it's just about here. Two more weeks. I'm quite excited to start learning again, along with procrastinating and not doing my homework.
...I'm not really sure how I got straight A's last semester.

I've decided to spend those two weeks making things, which is what I should have been doing this entire Summer, really, but have only dedicated a fraction of my time to doing. I've come up with another idea for a 7 piece art project**, I need to come up with a new design for some Foundation of Fair Fortune shirts and make the screens for those, and I'm slowly (but surely) restoring an electric guitar. Also, I started out 2010 in hopes of finishing 40 books that I've never read before, but I'm afraid to say that I'm still only at 15. I need recommedations!! It's kind of odd, but I don't like choosing books to read for myself for this sort of thing. Just one of those things. Though I'm not sure what those things are.

But I digress.

And I think I'm done.
Later days.

Song of the Day: "Dream Catcher" by Unicorn Kid

*Though I really do love it for some reason.
**I did a 5 piece project I called "BElieve" for my drawing final last Spring that involved graffiti. This new one does not.

1 comment:

  1. I just had a quick look at my bookshelf, but I have hardly any YA that's not fantasy and/or a good book. But I will try anyway. These are the ones that I think you'd be most likely to like, from what I can tell of your reading tastes:
    - Goldengrove by Francine Prose. This is YA. I read this over the summer so the review will be somewhere on my blog.
    - Eva Luna by Isabel Allende. I studied this in year 11 at school, and it's one of the better books we've had to analyse. The genre is magical realism, and it's set in South America (I think Chile).
    - City of Beasts, also by Isabel Allende. This is a YA book, I guess it's fantasy but barely - it's set in our world/ our times. It's a really nice coming of age kind of novel. I loved this one.
    - I would also strongly recommend a collection of Oscar Wilde's short stories, or his only novel, Dorian Grey. Wilde is such a good writer! The short stories include a bunch of unconventional fairy tales, and Dorian Grey is a bit gothic what with its fixation on beauty and death. I read these two over the summer holidays too (haha, just realised you might get confused - I mean the christmas holidays) so the reviews will also be on my blog, if you want more detail.
