Today was a rather successful day in terms of creativity and friend making.
In the creativity corner (quite literally, considering that's where my little craft table is in my room) I've finally finished the homemade ghetto screens for the shirts I'm going to be making and selling at Wrockstock for Foundation of Fair Fortune. It took a little bit of trial and error to get to the finish line with this project, but it's worked out now, so all is well. Now I just need to actually get the shirts and print on them, which sounds simple enough, but I have this feeling that something is bound to go a little bit wrong at some point, knowing my luck.
Also, I need to finish my cross stitch project I started a few weeks back. I'm just about half the way done with it, and it's going to take another little while to finish. I'll have to tackle that this next week. Other than that, I just have the drawing I'm doing on a piece of cardboard with a Sharpie. It looks great so far, and I'm enjoying the mediums a lot.
As for the friend making, I went to a bonfire down in Arizona tonight, just across the border about 10 minutes. Even though we made the fire in the correct spot, the cops still came by and got made because we didn't dig a pit for it or something..? So they made us put it out.

Anyway, about half of the people there were friends of friends, but we all got along like we'd known each other before tonight, which was fantastic.
After the bonfire incident, we went to Denny's, seeing as it was 1am and none of us wanted to go home yet.
Now I'm home, and ready to go to bed...except that I still need to prepare a lesson that I'm teaching in Church tomorrow. But I think I'm just going to read over the lesson right now, and then finish prepping for it in the morning before the Brazil game comes on.
Until next time, later days.
Song of the Day: "That Was the Worst Christmas Ever" by Sufjan Stevens. Even though it's techinically a Christmas song, I listen to it all the time, because, well...Sufjan is amazing.
Film of the Day: The Three Musketeers (1993). Only now have I realized how bad of a movie this really is, but how I still enjoy watching it anyway. Also, why, if it is set in France, are there American and English accents only? No one in this film has a French accent and it kind of bugs.
fact: I learned how to roll pizza dough with the big machine thing today at work. I love working in the kitchen.
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