Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Field Hockey (and the thrill of facing reality among all things sporty)

I miss it more than I thought. I went out with my brothers the other day and we passed some balls around, and it made me realize that I miss playing so much.
I played for about 6 years, and I wont lie, I was pretty swell at it. I wasn't as good as some people, but I was better than a lot.
Now, if you're trying to imagine me running around a field with a stick in my hand, weaving in and out of my opponents and scoring goals, stop it. I played goalie. Do you really think I'd run that much? pshhh. Nah. I did end up playing in the field a lot during the last season that I played because I quite enjoyed the intensity and excitement of running around with 19 other people hitting a small ball with sticks half the length of our bodies.
Anyway, I loved goal keeping too. I had such a passion for playing the game, it just continually pushed me to be better at it. The only problem was, as everyone I played with got better, they grew egos, so basically I ended up playing with a bunch of bitchy girls who thought they were better than everyone else in the world. I was getting better too, but I didn't understand the ego bit of it all, so I quit playing just before I turned 16. I didn't want to play with such intensity that I was constantly pissed off at my teammates, just like my team seemed to be.

Basically, in the end I settled for happiness instead of a passion that was losing its light.
There were a few girls that kept playing even when their egos stayed the same size. Actually, by a few I mean like, one. I still talk to one of them every once and a while. She actually plays on UC Davis's field hockey team now, which is awesome. I remember when she first started playing hockey, and she just had an amazingly natural talent for it. She was definitely born to play.

Maybe I should just move to Canada now so I can be closer to the sports I enjoy the most (kind of kidding). Seriously though, if I had the financial means to back me up, I would totally move to Canada to go to school. Which I might end up doing in a few years anyway.
Whatever, I guess I'll have to wait and see...

Song of the Day: "Diablo Rojo" (Red Devil) by Rodrigo y Gabriela. Always been one of my favorite bands concerning world music. Not that I really listen to a lot of the world music genre, but yeah. Check them out, they're kind of awesome.

fact: I played volleyball for 6 years too, but never really took it seriously until just before high school. I tried out for Ventura High School's volleyball team the summer before my freshman year, which is when I discovered favoritism among high school sports, seeing as about 3 or 4 other girls made the team instead of me when they had never played before, whereas I worked my butt off, just to be cut in the first round. And for the record (and I don't say this out of bitterness, just pure and simple truth) they all sucked.

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