School is tomorrow. Really this time.
I'm very excited for Spanish. I hope I still remember most of what I learned two years ago. Except for Mrs. Hangtin's (Hantgin? Hangtin? She was a witch either way) class in senior year, that was a JOKE. I think I was the only person in that entire class that didn't cheat on my tests but still ended up getting the best grade. It's crazy what happens when you actually learn.
I can't stop listening to He Is We and The Ranger$. Two extremely different styles of music, but both full of energy and awesomeness.
I feel like this blog is going to be one of those that has no real point. You know, like when I just start typing out everything that I think of when I think it. No real structure. Not that I care, clearly.
This reminds me of Ms. Steele, my 10th grade English and World History teacher. Apparently she's married now, and her name is something that is way more complicated to say than "Steele". Anyway, she has always been one of my most favorite teachers ever because she was always willing to listen whenever I had something to say, regardless of how unimportant it was. She's just one of those generally nice, cool people that you completely respect because of how awesome they are.
During the beginning of my senior year before I switched schools, I used to be late to my fifth period just so I could sneak into Steele's sophomore class and sit in an empty seat, waiting until she noticed I was there. She never did. I would just stand up after a few minutes, shake my head, and say, "Miss Steele, you didn't notice me? Really? Oh well, I guess I'll have to try again next week." She never cared that I did that, like so many other teachers would have.
I'm having a lot of fun recording Foundation songs. At first, it was a little frustrating to have to learn about a new program to record and mix audio, and all the awesomeness that comes with that, but I got through it and now I love it. Though it would be easier if I didn't have a PC. Just saying.
The classes I will be taking this semester are:
-Beginning Spanish 1
-Intro to Ceramics (except it's basically independent/advanced for me since I took it already. I just couldn't fit the actual advanced class into my schedule)
-Intro to Ceramics (except it's basically independent/advanced for me since I took it already. I just couldn't fit the actual advanced class into my schedule)
-Intro to Drawing
-Young Adult Literature
I'm pretty stoked about that last one. I just hope we'll read some good stuff. Also, it gives me a chance to talk about John Green and Maureen Johnson more than I already do.
Okay, I'm done rambling.
Later days.
Songs of the Day: "Pin Drop" by The Ranger$ and "A Mess It Grows" by He Is We. Both are available on itunessss.
Film of the Day: 10 Things I Hate About You (1999). To this day, this movie has one of my favorite casts ever. And some of the most...memorable quotes.
"I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack."
"But I love my Sketchers."
"That's because you don't have a Prada backpack."
Oh, the nineties.
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